Friday, December 28, 2018

Your Turn

What was the easiest class you took in high school or college?


  1. Spanish because I already knew how to speak it from watching Spanish tv and needed the A for my index.

  2. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Detention Hall

  3. Bwahaha Brooklyn Girl represent!

  4. History of theatre.

  5. I took a keyboarding class in college even though I already knew how to type fairly well. I just thought maybe there would be one or two hints or tricks or even just practice that would improve my typing.

  6. I knew a deaf girl in DC studying for her doctorate at GWU who acquired a small fortune doing this at least several times at 25k a pop
    At least seven times. I’ll wager she did a few more than that. GWU ain’t cheap. She was always pregnant.

  7. High School Psychology; I was on the same wavelength as the teacher.

  8. High School: Spanish, but we didn't do anything. The teacher was horrible.

    College: Radio Practicum. We were DJs for the semester. That was fun.

  9. Strangely it was Business Law. If you know me you['d know how funny that is.

  10. Spanish as I grew up part time in Baja California, Mexico. If you lived in SoCal, thats where you went for vacays pretty much. My family had a beach home there for 30 years and I remember more about that home than the one I lived in up in SoCal.

  11. Music Appreciation

  12. J-term class where we went to the Florida Keys for three weeks to do watercolor painting.

  13. Landscape Architecture

  14. creative writing.. You just wrote anything and passed. The teacher was an airhead (understatement).. She would go around asking what grade you deserved or thought you deserved. One kid said his dad would beat him if she didn't give him "the B" and another girl in the class said she didn't feel like doing much so she was going for the "the D+" . Another kid would leave class everyday early to "ice his shoulder" had been done for months. I miss high school

  15. Speech class was a joke regarding public speaking==== the easiest A I ever made.

  16. Theater class. in a different world, I would be here under "Blind Items"! :D

  17. High School English

  18. Economics - I discovered the wonder of Keynes

  19. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Reality TV class

  20. It should have been Beginning Horseback Riding. We switched horses mid-semester, though, and that second horse hated me.

  21. Probably the ones I could sleep through and still get A's on the tests.

  22. Swimming for the PE credit

    Anatomy and Physiology 101 as my high school science teacher used the college textbook.

  23. Anonymous2:57 PM


  24. Geography in high school. Flirted with the teacher (he was a young, hot cutie). Never went to class. Got an A. And no, I never did more than flirt.

    But dayummm! Don’t you dare ask me where anything is on a map. 🙈 It’s embarrassing.

  25. History classes or Sociology classes extremely easy for me. Taught Social Studies in HS for 31 years. lol

    But absolute easiest was an education course on teaching reading. My professor was retiring, we were her last class. Everyone got an A and we all sat around and talked and visited. Came back to bite me in the ass years later when administration decided I should be the one to start teaching reading to incoming 8th graders and I had NO CLUE what to do. We generally don't teach reading in HS and I knew I couldn't help those kids. I got out of that extremely fast!

    Later on we built a middle school and dropped those 8th graders out of HS. Best thing we could have done for them.

  26. Intro to Ice Skating

  27. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Art appreciation as a freshman in college.

  28. Activity for Stress Magagement. It was for my PE requirement.

  29. Geology. The most passionate professor I ever had and she made the class really interesting.

  30. Industrial Technology which was a souped up arts and crafts class. It was also worth 4 hours college credit.

  31. Psychology - both in high school and in college! So easy, and fun.

  32. In the late 80s, I transfered to a new high school for my Junior and Senior year. I signed up for the Newspaper class. I would be writing for the School Paper. My dad (who I was living with) was proud, he thought I'd do a good job. My mom (parents were divorced) thought I would screw it up.

    In that class, you'd get points towards your semester grade for writing articles, doing other work on the paper and selling ads. It was possible to get a b without selling ads, if you did a lot of extra work.

    In my junior year, my dad owned a furniture store. And even though they were divorced, my parents worked together. As an aside, if your divorced parents work at the same place, DO EVERYTHING YOU CAN TO GET RID OF ONE OF THEM! Not goo.

    Well, my dad bought 6 1/8 page ads (3 in fall semester, 3 in spring). Got me a b in fall and a a in spring.

    well, in senior year, my mom took 1/2 of dad's clients and opened her own store. And just to show up dad, mom bought 2 full page ads (one in fall, one in spring). That secured a A+ for me for the year. And thank God, cause I sucked in all of my other classes, but I had enough points to graduate.

    Neither parent knew they were buying my grade in that class.

  33. Government. Even though the prof and I were diametrically opposed in our political beliefs, there was no way he could deny that I knew my shit. We spent most every class arguing and at the end of the year he took me aside and told me that even though I pissed him off more than any student ever had before or probably ever will, I, in his words "made it a damn fun class" for him.

  34. Philosophy in college

  35. Contemporary American Literature. I loved the stories and poetry and writing papers was a joy.

    Bonus!! Worst was Statistics 1. It was pre great statistics programs and I had to memorize all those weird formulas and could not use a calculator....UGH. The Prof told me I was so dumb when in fact I have a learning disability that affects maths. I was the last person sitting in the final and just started crying. He said "what is wrong now?' I said through my sobs "If I don't get a C in this class I am out of the program and I have a 4.0 up until now". I guess he felt sorry for me and I got the C. My masters level statistics was so much easier because of the computer programs we were allowed to use. Aced it.

  36. @DaddyLong legs, high school English class I skipped for months. Told the teacher I had to get throat surgery (my voice was Demi Moorish but rougher)and stayed away for 3 months. What is it with the English teachers?

  37. music appreciation

  38. Speech. I signed up to take it in 11th grade but dropped it. The next year I was at a different school and thought I'd have to take it. I looked at my transcripts from the former school and there was a big "D" next to speech.

    New school thought it meant that I passed Speech with a D. It actually meant I dropped the class.

    So, I passed high school speech with a D and didn't even have to take the class.

  39. In high school we had to take "Mass Media", 1987



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