Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Your Turn

Did you have an organized skip school day in high school?


  1. How’s my Hanukkah, you ask? Shofar, so good.

  2. No, but I had no problems cutting classes and sitting outside on the campus the last month or so of the school year.

  3. The high school I worked at had a scheduled senior cut day. My high school did not but my dad wrote me a note. I was such a good kid I actually asked for permission. He obviously said yes.

  4. I never waited for those. And it was more fun to scatter the skipped hours around rather than use up the whole day.
    Those were my favorite school days.

  5. Yep. But I lived about 2 hours from the beach, so we'd meet at school and head down to p.c. for the day when we had good weather and/or just needed a day out of school.

  6. I think we did. I've blocked most of high school from my memory.

  7. Yep. The last days before any holidays and exams.
    My best friend lived right by the school so I'd still bus in and we'd go cause chaos somewhere...

  8. We did. More than 1 during senior year.

  9. No, but I often left for part of the day with my bff & we’d go out to lunch or something. Almost got caught one day; we were pulling into the parking lot for lunch and my mother pulled in behind us. Luckily my friend is a fast driver. We got the hell out of there.

  10. Our Drama class went to Texas to see "The corn is greener"... It was boring, that's why I don't like going to live plays at all.
    The ice skating was the very best at the mall..

  11. No. I didn't miss one day of school my senior year because I wanted to be exempt from my final exams. Plus, I don't think a "skip day" was a thing way back when.

  12. Not really. Although, our school schedule was weird at the time: We would have one final during the first hour and a half period, then we would be expected to stick around for the rest of the day. Well, hardly anyone stuck around. It'd be a free-for-all to get off campus. Through known holes in the fences, over fences, or dashing out of doors when the coast seemed clear. There'd be extra security around the perimeter, but most of us would make it out.

  13. We had a skip week or maybe that was just my best friend and I deciding we deserved a break.

  14. Anonymous11:25 AM

    A senior skip day yes. My senior year I decided to call it skip your senior year and did so as frequently as possible. (my grades were excellent.) The last couple of months they would slide my excused absence slip across the counter and give me the number of days I could miss and still graduate. Neither of us wanted to see me repeat another year.

  15. We might have. But my best friend and I organized our own skip days. It was very helpful that the bus to the mall stopped right outside our high school.

  16. Not a day, but a group of us had a Skip French day. We had a substitute teacher who wouldn't give us time to work on our group projects despite our teacher telling us we would use class time. So we went to the library and did our project. Eventually we were called into the office. Our clue that we really weren't in trouble was when the Vice Principal asked if we knew any good jokes.

  17. Yes, but not sanctioned by the school. Junior year it was after the ring ceremony. We got drunk and stoned. Or tried to. It was one of those frustrating nights where I seemed to stay sober no matter what. I forget when the senior year one was.

  18. Senior Skip Day

    HoShot Day

  19. We didn't, but that never really stopped anybody...

  20. Yes, but only the seniors class. And every single year the seniors were told if ya skipped, you wouldn’t get to walk in the graduation ceremony. Don’t think it was ever enforced tho.

  21. Yes! Many years ago and a few generations our state allowed for senior to have off the entire last week of school. It seems Seniors were required to have less (5) days required than the remaining K- 11 students.
    The antics of one city school seniors at a local private lake are legendary.

  22. Anonymous6:56 PM

    Who knows?! I think I showed up for school maybe twice a week during senior year. I only had two classes left to take. English and yoga.
    I was holding down two jobs. I was also madly in love with a guy on the other side of town.
    Toss in a new driver's license..It's a wonder I showed up at all.

  23. Late to this one, but yes, we did. It was called 'Senior Ditch Day', and the school's administration set up a day at a local water park for us. I have no idea now why they sanctioned a ditch day, but I guess it was another era.



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