Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Today's Blind Items - Old Hollywood Harvey Returns - Mr. X Blind Item

It was definitely no accident that killed this alliterate actress/restaurant owner back in the golden age of Hollywood. She was killed by her ex-husband and it was all covered up by Old Hollywood Harvey. This was not the only time OHH covered up a murder by that same ex-husband. An ex-husband by the way who was once married to that celebrity with the gilded A+ list last name who spawned an A+ list celebrity all of you know. The ex-husband also murdered the creator of this classic show from decades ago that has even had a modern day movie reboot. Everyone knows this show. You might never have seen it, but you know it. Anyway, the ex-husband killed this guy with the help of someone who created one of the world's longest running most well known movie franchises which is still very much in existence today. OHH paid off enough people where each of the deaths were ruled "accidental," which is crazy, especially considering the latter death where multiple people saw the guy being killed.


  1. Movie Franchise - Bond?

  2. Ex husband Pat DiCicco. Former husband of Gloria Vanderbilt, too.

  3. Is the show Bewitched?

  4. Albert Broccoli and Pat DeCicco are the murderers.

  5. Thelma Todd, Pat DiCicco, Cubby Broccoli.

  6. I'm sorry, but I forget who is OHH? A Ray Donovan type of guy?

  7. DiCicco and Broccoli are said to have murdered Ted Healy, the creator of the Three Stooges.

    1. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!

    2. Nailed it. Read his Wikipedia page. Damn, you're good.

  8. The Broccolis are the Bond-owning family, right?

  9. Is Hal Roach OHHarvey?

  10. Yup, Someone Said got it. Healy was beaten in front of witnesses at the Trocadero.

  11. Eddie Mannix was OHH??

  12. Wow, great work, everyone. Old Hollywood was just as wild as today, if not wilder.

  13. Yep, Producer Albert R Broccoli was one of the producers for the first Bond Films. He was the cousin of Pat DiCicco who was Thelma Todd's ex-husband. From DiCicco's wikipedia page "A source alleged that actor Wallace Beery, producer Albert R. Broccoli and DiCicco beat Healy so badly that he fell into a coma and died."

  14. @Smalls also they didn't have our modern day technology to pull our your cell phone and record everything and put the person on blast, so they could just deny and get away with it!

  15. Pat Dicicco was mobbed up, so he must be OHH!

  16. I was looking into the Twilight Zone as being the old TV show with the reboot. I knew I was way wrong with that guess when I read Rod Serling's death was subsequent to him suffering 3 heart attacks in the course of about 2 months, finally dying as a result of the third one. So yeah, not "accidental". Anyway, I found out that he smoked 3 to 4 packs of cigarettes--A DAY!!! How did he even find the time?

  17. Albert Brocoli: Cousin of Pat DiCicco, called "The Glamour Boy of Hollywood".

  18. thelma todd/ actress/ rest owner
    pat DiCiccio/ ex-husband
    gloria vanderbilt/ a+ name celeb
    anderson cooper/ celeb spawn
    ted healy/ creator of the three stooges
    albert broccoli/ creator of james bond film franchise
    eddie mannix /old hollywood harvey

  19. Wasn't there a blind a few months back that said Stan Laurel killed Thelma Todd?

  20. Chain smokers can go through 4 packs a day, easily. My dad did. He smoked so heavily if he got up in the middle of the night to pee, he lit a cigarette. He died about 3 years ago at the age of 76 after smoking since the age of 12.

  21. Yep - guess that was bullshit huh? Lmao

  22. +1 Jon I was going to write the same thing, that Stan Laurel killed her was a blind a few months ago. Maybe two people tried to kill her the same evening :/

  23. Maybe Stan Laurel joined in too, for that Murder on the Orient Express touch.

  24. Why did the beat Healy???

  25. Wait a minute, I thought an earlier blind implied that Stan Laurel killed Thelma Todd? I think Krab remembered that too. Everything else isn't really a blind, you can googleit, I've known this story for years

  26. My first thought was the show might of been Charlie’s Angels and Drew Barrymore for the A+ List celebrity known today

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.


    Right here.

  29. Enty's a bit contradictory today :)

  30. @p swer.

    The story is that it was a dispute over winnings in a poker game.

  31. HOWWW do you people know all this stuff?

  32. I thought Lucky Luciano had Thelma Todd killed.

  33. Your /pol/troll act is getting old Solo-san.

  34. Anonymous4:59 PM

    @AkhaldanSolo People think I am crazy because I don't go to movies. I hate the "theater experience" and I hate it because I really believe they use mind control.
    I read a book years ago describing how "they" being various entities can insert all kinds of subliminal messages in film and it put me off of going to the movies ever since. That's been decades ago. Sometimes I will see a movie on tv that was all the rage years ago and my reaction is "That was it? That was the phenomenon? That was the actor? That's all there was to it." I don't feel I am missing anything.
    I do watch tv because the book said that tv was harder to manipulate, of course that's been decades ago. I just have a few "guilty pleasure" shows I watch and not 99% of the complete crap that is on tv...they are so overt in their manipulation on tv shows so I don't think they are using hidden signals on tv but I could be wrong.

    I know it sounds crazy but I believe it. Movies are manipulating the public and turning them into for all practical purposes Zombies.

  35. The blind ignores the fact that TT was living with the director Roland West, who, on his deathbed, confessed to murdering her.

  36. >Wasn't there a blind a few months back that said Stan Laurel killed Thelma Todd?

    Exactly. In March. Enty, which is the real story?

  37. Anonymous1:24 PM

    I prefer the original theory: that director Roland West was involved.
    He lived with her, pretty much (adjoining apartments); they shared a driveway with West's ex wife.
    Friends said they were fighting constantly, due to West's controlling attitude, and Thelma's late night partying.
    He also confessed on his death bed.

  38. Maybe her death really was just an accident.



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