Friday, December 21, 2018

Four For Friday - Paying The Debt

This former A- list singer from a group back in the day has had a lot of downs in the intervening years. Over the years he has threatened to go public with a secret he shares with this permanent A list singer who isn't even the highest listed in that family. Whenever he threatens to say something, out A lister writes him a check and the guy goes away for a year or so. Not really a big deal to the singer at all. Sometimes other family members have to be paid off, but again, no big deal. Well, it has always been assumed by everyone outside the family and in for that matter that this is the only secret they have to hide. Apparently that is not the case. It turns out that this former A- lister knows that the permanent A lister used to be offered as a reward for family members by the father when the family members did something very noteworthy. Other members of the family were also offered up. Now, our former A- lister is trying to get a huge payday from this. He needs to be very careful, or he will end up dead. No one would blink an eye if he ended up killed because of all the trouble he gets into. He thinks it will be a big payday.


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