Friday, December 28, 2018

Four For Friday - Just Like Yesterday

It has been quite some time since this particular person managed to land a spot in this particular space. They have made the outlying blind items, but not this one. Apparently the now ex-boyfriend of this former A+ lister is speaking out about their relationship and says that drugs rule the life of the former A+ lister. She is addicted to a combination of them which she washes down with a great deal of booze. Her money situation is not as liquid as one might think it to be. The ex frequently caught her cheating on him with men who gave her drugs when she didn't have a connection to get them herself. She would ramble incoherently, often for hours during the day and would get angry to the point of yelling and screaming if you didn't respond to her ramblings. When you would explain you couldn't understand her, she would accuse the person of gaslighting them. She has this shell that the outside world sees, but it is very fragile and one little tap and it will crack, exposing her for the mess that she is today.


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