Saturday, December 08, 2018

Blind Items Reveled #6

December 1, 2018

Actually everyone in the family is worried about the drug use of the celebrity offspring of the permanent A++ lister, but only because they are greedy jerks who want her to create a will so they get her money.

Paris Hilton


  1. Anonymous11:16 AM


  2. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Not Paris Jackson?

  3. Definitely Jackson. Wake up, Enty!

  4. ...drunk b4 noon again I see!?!

  5. Gotta lay off those bacontinis, Ent. I know they sound like breakfast food but they ain't.

  6. Obviously Jackson. If she were to die without a will, her estate would go to her mother and I’m sure her other family hates this

  7. Gotta be an Entern misspellings

  8. Oh this is just a way to re-use this reveal for Paris later, of course it isnt fucking Paris Hilton.

  9. Although Hilton does like her good blow, too

  10. Paris does and her family isnt broke like the Jackass family and DGAF how she spends her hard earned DJ money.

  11. Yeah the Hiltons have money. Wrong Paris, Enty. Whatever, typos happen.

  12. You mean, Jackson...right? Otherwise this doesn't really make sense.

  13. poor thing . What she has seen and been through , coke is barely enough to kill the memories

  14. Auntie Janet needs to slap some sense into her again...

  15. Didn't the jackson trust make a ton after michael's death? he left it in the hands of quality lawyers/managers who built up the fortune again with wise business decisions. Paris i presume who be a beneficiary of that.

  16. Yeah, Enty has made a few morning-after errors:
    1) "Revealed" mispelled as "reveled"
    2) Obvs this is Paris J.

  17. Paris Hilton's grandfather is supposedly worth $4 billion but has pledged 97% of that to charity upon his death. That leaves $120MM divided between his eight children. So Paris Hilton's father will inherit $15MM and presumably each of his three children would eventually inherit $5MM apiece. Estimates of Paris Hilton's income from her perfumes, DJing etc at more than $10MM are reasonably credible but personally I think estimates of her wealth at $300MM are probably excessive. Nonetheless she is undoubtedly the richest Hilton of her generation and, with no children to inherit, I'm sure the question of her will must have occurred to her relatives.

  18. @D Brown
    You make a great point.
    The guy who wrote the book about the Hilton family had the same take as you on her wealth. Paris would eventually inherit something in the $5-10MM range, but nothing huge by the standards of Beverly Hills, and the heritage is still decades away. So, she's used her most valuable asset to make money: her name, with the sex tape as a way to generate scandal and attention. She's built this whole image of an outrageous partying billionaire by renting cars, apartments or jewels, even if she wasn't was wealthy to begin with. People assumed she was mega rich and they started to offer deals and fees in accord with her supposed wealth, while she was just, in her own way, a shrewd businesswoman who took advantage of a few assets.
