Saturday, December 08, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #7

December 2, 2018

As I said long before the video hit confirming it, this sometime annoying A list singer is hooking up with her ex. The thing is though, his now ex-girlfriend still wants him back. This is why you don't change your body for someone.

Ariana Grande/Big Sean/Jhene Aiko


  1. It would be less disgusting to eat one of her pre-licked doughnuts.

  2. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Well she does have a type...ugly boys.

  3. Sometimes annoying?

    I would say "always".

  4. Anonymous8:20 PM

    she wasnt trying to lick a doughnut, @unknown, ariana grande was doing a public service anouncement that evey doughnut not under a starbucks sneeze guard is not only dry and flakey but probably sneezed on or licked as well.

  5. Yeah. Nice try.

    Also, Jhene already covered that tattoo with a dragon. So....

  6. She is so gross.
    She needs a shower, take all that ugly fake tan off, take that nasty horse hair pony tail out and get it together.
    Her whole persona is just annoying and gross.

  7. I don't know about that.... there's a ton of receipts right now pointing to her being with Ricky the backup dancer again.
