Sunday, December 09, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #6

August 9, 2018

This B+ list mostly movie actress who only seems to act in that long running action franchise she has been part of  since the beginning only found one taker this summer for yachting. Usually she has a number of offers for her threesome services but, even with a significant discount in her rate, there were very few inquiries. It appears that next summer she may have to pay her own way should she want to vacation in Europe.

Michelle Rodriguez


  1. Shes 40, well past her prime years (I really cant see her agreeing to be pissed and shit on though)

  2. if you're gonna $pay$ for sex, you pay for young/hot/tight girls to have sex with.

    this isnt quantum physics, michelle!

  3. She doesnt look worse than years ago.

  4. She looks way, way better than Lohan yet that old bag of bones still gets business. Maybe she just isn't paying enough attention to the dudes in the threesomes.

    1. There's threesomes, and then there's Lilo. I'm sure it would be easier for us to come up with a list of what perversions Lilo hasn't done. Top dollar tolerance!

  5. MR is not a cute girl. She is very fit, so there's that, but I'm surprised she ever had any clients.

  6. Please, the highest paid escorts in real life are over 40.
    Younger girls can go and get f*cked by the hour but the real attractive women are usually 30 plus and they go out for hours and this means they get taken out to dinner/theater, men treat them like gold. They do NOT f*cked and pissed on like some cheap Instagram whore.
    None of this shit is anything like ya'll think it is, like the stupid media tells you. In hoe business there is no 'past their prime' as there are different strokes for different folks.
    And the different strokes are where the real money is made.

  7. The only way I could see a guy paying for MR is if he likes to be handled roughly and nailed with a strap-on.

  8. Your probably right Steve. And agree with Styles who tells it like it is. 👏🏼

  9. She did a nice job in “Widows”, so maybe she”ll get serious about her acting again.

  10. @Steve D, if she advertises that, her price goes way back up!

  11. Anonymous7:21 PM

    I saw Michelle on one of the talk shows some years ago. She was very sweet, funny and genuine. Hope she will be careful, whatever she is doing

  12. Always female, always yachting, boring now!

  13. Who is going to pay an over the hill broad for sex? I call bullshit on that pretty women scenario. If a man wants to wine and dine and get some action plenty of desperate old ass cougars in most big cities. A man will pay a older women for sex because she is famous. If she wasn't famous he wouldn't give a plug nickel for her.
