Saturday, December 15, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #6

December 4, 2018

Apparently professional reality stars were brought in to the upcoming former almost A- list mostly movie actress' new reality show because our actress was wasted half the time and so much stuff that could not be used.

Lindsay Lohan/Lohan Beach House


  1. And the other reality "stars" weren't there to get wasted on E's dime? Ok.

  2. Even in the previews she is always grabbing at her clothes to hold them in place. Can't she wear something that fits? She looks like a little girl wearing her Mom's clothes.

    I am going to watch just to see the train wreck....Boss Bitch indeed.

  3. I would prefer to watch the footage of her screaming at crew members and shouting incoherently as she tries to read cue cards.

    I would watch the shit out of that.

  4. My mind boggles at the idea of a 'professional reality star'. That should not be a profession.

    1. Add "Youtube star" and "social media influencer" to the bullshit profession list.

  5. Is Lindsay Lohan still a thing? Bitch is so over. Come on Enty, give us some meat.

  6. Anyone that watches, even for s***ts and giggles, only lengthens this has been’s 15 minutes another second or two.

  7. CDAN cheapens themselves with these reality/rap blinds.

  8. Sorry Moose- I already know I’m going to watch at least the 1st episode, but I will probably hate myself for it!

  9. This I have to see.

  10. You couldn't pay me to watch this shit. I can't believe there's actually going to be something worse than the Ktrash.

  11. I almost spit out my iced tea in the promo, she says something like "I only want the best of the best.." When? When in her life has she ever shown any ability to see it, use it or emulate it?

  12. Ah, so these would be the "crisis actors" of lore, LOL.

  13. YES I CANNOT WAIT I’m literally counting the days

  14. I'm shocked that so many of you want to watch this. THIS is what's wrong with our society and the world. No wonder the Kardashians have been around as long as they have and yet probably some of the same people would complain about them. Unbelievable.

    There's a sucker born every minute.

  15. What are professional reality stars? lol I didn't know that was actually a job description....

  16. Probably meant they hired actors. There is no such thing as professional reality stars.

  17. When Lindsay says something like "I only want the best of the best.." she is talking about cocaine.
