Sunday, December 09, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #5

August 7, 2018

The foreign born former A+ list tweener and his celebrity offspring girlfriend are basically just doing a version of cuckolding. The only thing is the former tweener gets to sleep with as many women as he wants while his girlfriend has to watch and read reports about it until she gets desensitized to the fact he can be with whoever she wants while she has to remain chaste.

Justin Bieber/Hailey Baldwin


  1. Of course Enty being consistent with the tall tales since Biebs supposedly cant get it up due to all his drug use and just watches

  2. Hailey the yacht girl chaste,lol. Read reports?

  3. Oh these two train wrecks.

  4. Blind gossip was just reporting that she wants twins to lock him down & his is down with it. She's doing fertility shots.

  5. I thought just a few months ago HE was the cuck because he couldn't get it up? I can't keep up. Anyway, that girl will get pregnant as soon as possible. She's been very open about trying already.

  6. That Bieber. Such a devout son of God.

  7. guess is too much to hope that these two trainwrecks don't bring babies in their mess?

  8. So she loves Bieber so much, she doesn’t care about fidelity? Wow!! Hopefully Selena has been ignoring his texts! Where is that girl anyway??

  9. Yeah when Hailey pops out those twins it will be Game ON

  10. Hailey, I shop at the same Wegmans as your Grandma. HMU

  11. When it's a woman getting cheated on, she's called a cuckqueen.

  12. All part of the deal. She’ll get her payoff eventually.

  13. Why would Hailey need fertility shots? Isn't she 21-22?

    Never would I ever put myself in a situation like that. There will come a time when that "arrangement" won't work out for her. I know she's just in it for the $$$, but still, she's a human being with feelings. She doesn't strike me as the brightest bulb, but whatever, if it makes them both "happy" (we know that it's false happiness) I say let them be. They'll self-destruct on their own.

    Bieber is literally still a child, he got too famous, too fast, and that leads to a lonely life. He can't trust anyone, he travels too much, and he always has to question people around him if they like him for him or just want a ride. No thanks to that life!

  14. This doesn't make sense, isn't Hailey a yachter? how can she remain chaste? Did she stop yachting after the wedding?

  15. Somewhere, a wise civilization watches our little planet.
    I'm pretty sure they don't give a rip about Bieber or Baldwin.

  16. @BlissBoo: Because she wants to get pregnant FAST!

  17. Shes disgusting!. She's a gold digging whore. He doesn't even love her. Must be sad to know your someone's second choice. Smile honey paps are watching!. Her family is just as bad. Justin paying off their house giving them monthly allowances because your so pathetic your 24-year-old son in law has to take care of you. That will never last. True love always wins. Her as a mother = huge train wreck! Not sure how someone so addicted to drugs could be a respectable mother.
