Sunday, December 09, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #4

August 6, 2018

Apparently now, our favorite former A+ list tweener turned A- list adult singer is acting as a chaperone/bodyguard for his actress girlfriend as she pulls a yachting gig with someone from her home country who has been following her career since she was a very young star in her own country.

Nick Jonas/Priyanka Chopra (This is the guy who paid for the portions of the wedding not covered by sponsors)


  1. Damn Enty I wanted Biebs to be our favorite A+ list ex-tweener A list adult singer. 😬

  2. That's too bad. I thought she was a classy lady.

  3. @sandybrook, this says A-! Has anyone questioned her age? She seems to have been around a long time and won beauty pageants at a very young age.She doesn't so much look older,but "seems" older,ala CZJ.

  4. Believable. She might think/lie to herself that he is the man of her life. But I honestly get a very gay vibe from her too. Not just the Jonas guy

  5. I think Miss World would have made sure her age was correct when she won the thing.

  6. So who is the other guy.

  7. Other guy not famous, hence not being named.

  8. It's not Nick is having sex with her. When she gets pregnant, it will be through artificial insemination.

  9. Must suck to be that writer who was made to publicly apologize to them

  10. Priyanka is 34+ yrs olds. Must be some bigshot industrialist.

  11. What a weird honeymoon! 😂

  12. Oops — just saw this was back in August. My bad!

  13. Again another female, another yacht!...Yawwwnnn.....TMZ is better than this site now!

  14. ...Enty! Again. You name the yachting woman, but not the yachting man!

    If anything, you should protect the woman since she is being exploited. Don't care if he's not famous! If he wants to be with a famous woman, word will get out... as it has. Why protect this guy?

  15. Enty Why are you protecting the yachting man? Expose him! Does Nick sucks his dick along with Poopyanka, and you want to protect dick sucking?
