Wednesday, December 05, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #4

November 28, 2018

After the backlash this foreign born A+ list mostly movie actor received for supporting this sexual assaulter who is a co-star, there is no way the sexual assaulter will be in a third installment of a superhero movie. The studio will eat the contract.

Ryan Reynolds/TJ Miller/Deadpool 3


  1. It's cheaper to pay him off than lose an audience for the franchise.

  2. I still long to know more about his feud with his old friend Chris William Martin...

  3. Wasn't this already revealed? Or was it just so obvious that we all assumed?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. @LooksLike, it's filler season! Probably won't have any real reveals until after Christmas.

    TJ coming back would be like any of sequels being as funny as the first, never going to happen with a one trick pony.

  6. Why hasn't this pervert been charged?

  7. Last I heard he was negotiating a plea deal for the charges he got from that train incident.

  8. Sexual Assaulter? There was one accusation. One. An accusation isn't proof. Ridiculous. If anything this guy needs rehab more than anything else.
