Monday, December 10, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #4

December 3, 2018

This A- list mostly television actress who is on a long running hit network show for a while longer talks a big game but doesn't put her money where her mouth is but expects her fans to do it for her. She spends more on her nails each month than she did on this fund raising project.

Sarah Hyland/Cousin's funeral fundraiser


  1. This is dumb. Why should she have to put up all of it? She was spreading awareness of the accident and the killer.

  2. If you are worth multi-millions you shouldn't be fundraising for anything. Maybe bring it to the publics attention as far as advocating AGAINST drunk driving but expecting the public to foot the bill? Bit ridiculous.

  3. Go Fund Me is getting out of control. She should’ve definitely paid for it.

    1. Glad I wasn’t the only one who thought so!

  4. Meh, I'm not that offended about this and it seems kind of mean to be picking on people who have had a relative murdered. If you don't want to give the money then don't. It's her cousin, not her immediate family. Also, maybe her cousin didn't want to hit her up for the money and this was a way to get the needed $ without doing so.

  5. Except that she asked her followers to donate money to the fund. Not okay.

  6. +1 Unknown

    She could’ve spoken about the accident, but not posted the Go Fund Me. She makes $100,000 per episode but expects her fans to donate?

    What makes it even more embarrassing is that she donated $1000 and Ariel donated $2500.

  7. Eh, well, I say if the poor girl doesn't have any deep skeletons in her closet like most of Hollywood (she IS just 28 I doubt she has anything but her own exploitation) she should be left alone on this one. She's had a pretty difficult run of things as of late, the DM just had an article about her needing a second kidney cuz the first didn't take and she has had to contemplate suicide. That's just horrible out of all of the stars in Hollywood here is one that surely deserves a break. Stay strong Sarah!!

  8. For only the second time since I discovered CDAN I'll need to google someone. Sarah Hyland? Who gives a flying you know what?

  9. I can't believe her co-star donated way more than Sarah did. That was embarrassing.

  10. Hasn't she had some massive healthcare bills? Who knows how much that left in her coffers.

  11. Please stop hating on Sarah Hyland. This girl is sick and has HUGE medical bills. If this last kidney transplant fails she may well die. Enough already.

  12. It's so tacky for her to ask her fans to fund her cousins funeral. The GFM is over 45k. That is crazy for a funeral. I understand she is sick but she has the best health insurance (SAG) and so much more than most people, so that excuse is BS.

  13. We don't know what the family situation is. I like all my cousins, but I know people who wouldn't piss on their cousins if they were on fire. If their cousins were drowning they'd throw them an anchor. They'd even make their cousins watch network tv shows without TiVo or streaming, I'm talking commercials folks, the cousin hate can be real. Family relationships are complicated, and who knows what is going on with her finances.

  14. fnchrstphr
    If you never heard of Sarah Hyland from Modern Family, you have no retention when it comes to celebs.

  15. I know she has medical expenses and is having a rough time. And who knows what’s going on with her finances. All I’m saying is that she shouldn’t have posted the Go Fund Me, expecting her fans to donate. Tacky and inappropriate. The original goal was $10,000 for the funeral, and now it seems as if the rest of the money is supposed to go to her Uncle’s hospital bills.

  16. If you care enough about somebody to help raise funds for their funeral, and your annual income can be measured in millions, just write the damn $15K check yourself. She could earn it back in a week of sponsored social media posts if she's that hard up for money, which I seriously doubt she is. She's a main character on one of the longest running and highest rated sitcoms on TV, and she has health insurance coverage most of us couldn't even dream of. This is just tacky and gross.

  17. And BTW, my brother had a kidney transplant with plain old Kaiser insurance coverage and didn't rack up huge medical bills. It's not like Sarah paid cash for her transplants, she has excellent coverage and her out of pocket cost surely was much less than she makes on a single episode of her show.

  18. How is this a blind item? She publicly asked for donations, and lots of people called her out on social media, nothing hidden, and nothing revealed by turning it into a blind. Lame.
