Sunday, December 09, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #2

August 1, 2018

Despite what his PR team has tried to do over the last decade, this former A/A- list mostly television actress who had an iconic role in an iconic show not named Friends, but on the same network, has not supported her ex or anything he has said going back to the first time he almost had his career crash and burn five or six years ago and had to cover his tracks. His PR people leaked a bunch of stories talking about how they are the best divorced couple ever but that is strictly a one sided thing.

James Gunn/Jenna Fischer


  1. wow! Id never heard of them before

  2. friends and the office cannot be compared. Friends is iconic, legendary and global. The office? meh

  3. Who?! Former A/A- list actress, my ass.

  4. The Office > Friends, no question about it

  5. The Office is ten times funnier than Friends.

  6. Gunn's career almost crashed and burned 5 years ago? News to me. Look if he's dirty let him burn but terrible jokes by a comedic writer are not grounds for canceling. I'm going to need specific accusations in blind form

    1. Anonymous10:44 AM

      Multiple tweets were uncovered referencing aatanism, pedo shit and child sacrifice .

  7. He is very popular because of the Marvel movie Guardians of the Galaxy. I hate that they made him leave but that's why you should watch what you say on social media. It will come back to haunt you.

  8. Google Gunn, he almost got fired or has been fired due to multiple disgusting pedo tweets.

    Jenna has been long divorced from him & has moved on.

    Jenna is B list all the way.

  9. Google how she met him. She was in an acting group with his younger brother since they were little kids.

  10. The Office shits all over Friends any day.
    I don't know anything about Jenna's ex or anything about her personal life though.

  11. Has any child porn been found in his possession?
    Anyone come forward that he had underage interactions with? I know he comes off as creepy but It’s nowhere near the other stuff I’ve read on this site

  12. UK Office > US office 😉

  13. I can provide you with the source for this blind:

    It's a 2016 fluff piece about how Gunn and Fischer remained good friends on the base of the references they make on social media. Some alt-right genius who provided Enty this summer with the James Gunn and Dan Harmon blinds noticed that Jenna Fischer actually made far fewer references to James Gunn than James Gunn about his ex-wife.

    So, some Cernovich wannabe (yeah, this is a thing) wanted to comment on Gunn being fired by using every element of his life to "prove" he was a pedophile. Naturally, as Gunn has a famous ex-wife, she was blind material, so Cernovich Jr googled for info about their marriage and their divorce, until he could use something to spin it as more evidence of Gunn being a dangerous pervert. So, Jenna tweets far less often about James than James mentioned Jenna. It's strictly a one-sided thing since 2013. And it must be because she knows stuff and doesn't support him anymore.

    Problem is that in the article, there was a tweet from Fischer posted in 2014, another from 2016 that are quoted, and there are simply fewer tweets from Fischer, because Fischer posts in general much less often than Gunn, who had something like 5 times or 10 times her number of tweets. Fischer is also a rather private person who keeps a low profile in her second marriage.

    It wasn't the most ridiculously inaccurate blind item about Gunn, the one about him asking several actresses he dated to act like tweens during sex was just idiotic. If he had this fetish, he would do like any pervert in Hollywood with money and pay generously escorts for some role-playing sessions. It's funny that we never had any other report on those claims despite the actresses talking to several "news outlets" four months ago.

    And, meanwhile, Gunn's career "crashed and burned" so hard that he was hired a month later by Warner to basically do the same stuff with DC that he did with Marvel. If the guy was such a liability, his career should be dead.

  14. Agreed. His tweets were really stupid but there hasn’t been any evidence of anything illegal. Meanwhile Cernovich is an actual rapist.

  15. Well that confirms it.

    NamblAngela is Pro Gunn. He must be a kiddie fiddler.

  16. Disney wouldn't screw up one of their top franchises if they didn't have more substantial dirt on him.

  17. Come on, Sarton...

    The whole blind is basically "She doesn't tweet much about him. That means she's known for years that he's a pedo."
    And what's your dumbass reaction? That I'm a pedo myself.
    You just show that many rightwing morons just rely on automatically smearing people with pedophilia accusations instead of debating with them and proving them wrong. Well, it must be hard using stuff like logic or facts when your IQ is under the average temperature in Alaska during summer (I enjoy being generous) but that's what conversation is for.


    Disney did screw up one of their top franchises a couple of months before, when they fired Roseanne for her racist tweets. It's even likely that they were so quick to fire Gunn because they wanted to show they were non-partisan and that they wouldn't favor a liberal over a Trump supporter.
    But this also gave some pseudo-credibility to the crowd from 4Chan responsible for the smear campaigns against Gunn and Dan Harmon. While it's a place filled with threads about underage girls, hentai depicting prepubescent girls and child pornography. It's basically as if Medellin was giving itself a medal for being the top city against drugs.
    In our situation, some precious snowflakes were incensed that Gunn or Harmon would criticize the Orange God King, and they worked together to destroy the two careers with pedophilia accusations (the whole "leftist pedophile" shtick), which also resulted in the long seres of blinds that were planted on this very site.
    If Gunn is now working at Warner Bros and Harmon is still in charge of Rick & Morty at Adult Swim, that's not because both are protected by the studios, it's because the claims were just bullshit to begin with. There's no "smocking gun."

  18. If anyone thinks Jenna Fisher is not A- tv you are out of your mind. She was Pam fn Beesley Halpert and her new show is a hit as well. Yaaay Pam.
