Saturday, December 01, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #2

November 24, 2018

If you go on the show of this A+ list talk show host, she will call and ask for special PR favors when needed. It is part of the deal you make when you agree to go on the show. No one who could ever be a possible detractor or in conflict with one of her positions is allowed to be a guest.



  1. why doesnt someone just secretly film her, just for a little bit, what she's really like showing how she really is?

    goes public, goes viral, gets a raw humbling.


    I always didnt like her. she has psychopath eyes. the kind that just sort of stare at you while you're dying.

    1. Shark eyes. I've never liked her either.

  2. Imagine you have to work for her. Oh boy...

    1. Doesnt she pawn pets that dhe cant take over to her staff when she doesnt want them anymore/can't bear to see them in a shelter but cant possibly take them herself?

      HELLen is the worst.

  3. At the same time it's her show she should be able to do what she wants. It's not like people go on her show for fun they go to promote their own projects. It's a give take situation. That's how business works.

    1. Sure, it's just one step beyond being a #MeToo story and probably will be someday. You have to blow me to get air time.

    2. No sexual harassment or assaults so not really anything like "me too" that hashtag is way overused.

  4. She's so gross. I can't remeber who the celebrity was, but Ellen publicly pressured the person -- I mean on the actual show -- into agreeing to a not-small commitment of time and effort in a cause that wasn't even their own. Sorry to be so vague but she's been pulling shit for years.

  5. She should stick to animated fish movies.

    1. She shouldn't. Finding Nemo was great because all she inputted was her voice. Finding dory is a mess of a film.

  6. Not that I can say she was ever a good person, but like most people who attain power they use it to their own advantage, basically you have to kiss her ass and do what she wants. She can make life miserable for you and nobody else would have to know except the people closest to you.

  7. WASNT PORTIA DE ROSSI SICK cause she couldnt handle pre pressure of becoming her "toy"?

  8. I would love to see a recording of her being a c - she's notoriously difficult to work with and her super-sweet image is all a front.

  9. I hate her. She's such a phony.

  10. Sounds like anyone else's show, kinda standard practice.

  11. What's an example PR favor she's asked for?

    1. I'm with you. What a bizarre blind: you have to agree with her "positions" to get on her show? You mean like not being homophobic? Her talk show has been on for a decade but there's not one single example. Sounds more like Lucille Ball Syndrome where men are aggressive while women are bitches.

  12. There was something about Ellen and rescue dogs, pressuring staff and guests to adopt animals from shelters.

    On someone else this would be a Kindness Blind stating -

    What A+ daytime celebrity not only quietly supports animal shelters but encourages her many contacts and friends to adopt! No animal goes without the medical treatment they need and all have increased chances of adoption.

    What a difference perspective makes.

  13. If she talks and walks like a witch, she's a witch. Literally

  14. Hitler also loved dogs.

  15. Loved the blind about her and Jerry Seinfeld hating each other. I can see it be true.

  16. plot - Precisely. TunaCanArena is straining so hard to make all of this sound like a bad thing. Like a jilted lover.
