Sunday, December 09, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #1

August 1, 2018

The parents of this foreign born teen A- list mostly television actress from a hit show want her to focus on the men that can do things for her career and keep her famous which is why she ended up splitting with someone age appropriate.

Millie Bobby Brown (and then in the next few months you saw her with Drake and hanging out with the Kardashians)


  1. Child Protection Service anybody?

  2. Guess the British Parents are not familiar with age of consent. Drake has always been an Urban Pornhub type of guy. Very strange indeed.

  3. Her parents are idiots, she's 14, keep her image age appropriate for another 4-6 years. If they want her to be a serious actress with longevity don't hange with the Kartrashians or rappers or IG hos.

  4. You mean she went to a drake concert, met him backstage and took pictures? You mean she met the Kardashian’s, a family she watches on tv and loves? I’m so confused, what’s the issue with meeting people you like?

  5. Thus is just ridic speculation by enty. Fake filler blind.

  6. Someone SAVE HER!!! Please. PLEASE. This shit is out in the open. There has to be someone famous that is still a good person that could take her under their wing and protect her and any other child actors that are being targeted by the pervs.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. how would u possibly know what her parents want. it's messed up to make and spread rumors about underage celebs.
