Monday, December 17, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #1

December 10, 2018

This dual threat A- list actress who is more known for her hit network show rather than her hit movie this year passed on a huge franchise because she isn't in the acting game for a big paycheck. That franchise is getting a lot of no's right now, especially after their big loss earlier this year.

Constance Wu/Star Wars


  1. Anonymous8:20 AM

    I like her. Not the greatest actress but so what

  2. What loss? The relative failure of Solo movie?

  3. "She's not in the acting game for a big paycheck" sounds a little kiss-ass. Why not just say she didn't see the role as a good fit?

  4. As a fan who saw the originals in the cinema and had the toys/comics when i was small, i have to say i ADORE both the last Jedi and Solo. Bought them on blue ray and re-watch them constantly. I always thought the people who have a problem with them are the type that send offensive messages to the female cast members on twitter and use the phrase 'SJW' i.e. knobheads.

  5. The loss was Carrie Fisher. And frankly, if I was a woman, and especially one who wasn't white, I wouldn't want to get involved with the Star Wars fandom. And I say that as a lifelong fan of Star Wars. The fandom has gotten really toxic over the years.

  6. Constance Wu is a real one

  7. TLJ is an absolutely terrible movie, not just a bad Star Wars movie, a bad movie PERIOD. No wonder nobody wants to work with Lucasfilm anymore.

  8. I never got the fuss about SW.
    I went to see the original bzck in 77 when it came out and enjoyed it but not to the point where I got hooked on it like heroin. It was fun but nothing more than an excitingly filmed bog standard western story set on spaceships.
    I did see the second one when it came out on VHS and it wasnt that hot but not bad either. Then I think I saw one of the prequels - dont know which one - & it bored the shit out of me. My daughter quite likes them and I saw a lot of one of the newer ones a year or so ago when she was watching it on demand - again Im not sure which - but it was godawful. Ive seen subtler episodes of Eastennders for agenda flogging and preaching.

  9. Solo was much better than expected.

    Rogue One is my fav.

    TLJ is dismal.

    1. Oh I love Rogue One! The scene where Kyn amd Cassian are clutching one another when the planet explodes gets me every time! EPIC!

  10. The bog loss they are talking about is not Carrie Fisher, who died in 2016. They took a big hit on Solo.

    Frankly, after they cast the awful actor Adam Driver in a lead role, and given what happens in TFA, I was done with Star Wars. John Boyega and Oscar Isaac are no draws for me either.

  11. IMAO: The "acting" in Star Wars films has always been bad.

    Then, again, most films/TV shows have pedestrian acting and story lines.


  12. I enjoyed SOLO it could have been even better if Ron Howard could have had control from Day 1.
    I hope they give him another chance

  13. The acting was fine in the original three movies. But on top of that, the original cast just gelled and had great chemistry which is the big difference.
    Without them, the scripts and cheesy dialogue would have played as hackneyed and Star Wars never would have become what it became.

  14. The loss was Fisher's death.

    Doubtful any women wants to deal with the trolls associated with SW, especially with their harassment of Kelly Tran. That sh*t hurts an actors career, unless they are a star, like Fisher or Ford.

  15. The blind says a loss earlier this year. Carrie Fisher died two years ago.

  16. Solo was SO GOOD! The problem is they didn't market it properly. The new generation of Star Wars fans are not tied to Han Solo. He is the past, They want more of the now and future.

  17. @Do Tell

    "The awful actor Adam Driver"?

    You know who is disagreeing with you? Martin Scorsese, the Coen brothers, Jim Jarmusch, Steven Spielberg, Steven Soderbergh, Clint Eastwood, Spike Lee, who have all given him prominent parts in their own films. He also got the best actor award at the Venise Mostra, one of the leading film festivals in the world. He may not fit your image of a Star Wars villain, but the guy can definitely act.

  18. Rian Johnson should be prosecuted for destroying lives with his abomination of a movie.

  19. The loss earlier this year was Solo. It completely bombed at the box office.

  20. Anonymous1:15 PM

    The whole Star Wars thing is bizarre. The fans, who made the movies and franchise what it is, are given the middle finger and called "toxic", when the thing they love (and spent a LOT of money on) is taken away, and told "This isn't for YOU anymore."

    It's obnoxious.

  21. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Huge SW's fan here and I loved the last two SW movies and both Rogue One and Solo. I had my doubts about Solo but the movie was much better than anticipated. Lots of great easter eggs.

    Those who hate the new SW movies are trying desperately to cling to the older stuff. They don't like or want change, which is why they don't like the newer characters or the way Luke and Han ended their respective tenures with the franchise. Are there aspects of the newer movies that are a bit unimportant? Sure. But overall, I think Adam Driver does a great job as Kylo Ren. He's actually a great actor in his own right and a former Marine - he fits the role of a soldier perfectly in this regard.

  22. Those who hate the new SW movies tend to idolize a few elements from the original trilogy and fail to realize it was stuff mainly for kids that still managed to appeal to every age range. There's a ton of plot holes in every of these movies, including The Empire Strikes Back, the laws of physics are continually redefined to justify the way many scenes turn out, most of the characters are poorly written.

    Actually, The Last Jedi was the closest thing in tone to the original trilogy (it's made seriously but it's not intended to be taken seriously, as one James Bond director said about this other franchise), but many "fans" failed to notice it, because they were all over the way Luke was depicted.
    Problem is that Luke was never a badass. As written by Lucas and portrayed by Mark Hamill in the original trilogy, he was supposed to be kinda bland. He would almost always do the right thing. Even if he was the hero, the sidekicks stole the show, because Lucas gave them more room for personality. Hence the romance between Leia and Han, and the reveal she was Luke's sister, all stuff written after the original movie, while she was supposed to be Luke's love interest at that point.
    And I totally enjoyed the way Rian Johnson wrote Luke in The Last Jedi. 30 years have passed, people change. If he still were the hero, there wouldn't be any weight to him doing some heroic stuff again in the third act. Depicting him as a bitter man, who feels his life was actually a failure, and making him overcome his doubts and fears until he turns into someone better, who's ready to sacrifice himself to save his friends while keeping his own integrity intact, now, that's some real heroism.

  23. Yes, Angela, "awful Adam Driver." It is an opinion, like yours, like Scorsese's, like the Coens's, like Spielberg's, like Soderbergh's, like Lee's, All opinions. I saw Driver's leaden, one-note performances in Girls and in The Force Awakens, and coupled with what I find to be his bland, pitbull-like face and his flat, Keanu-like delivery, it informed my decision that movies with him in it are movies I will happily save the $16 ticket fee on.

    And with regards to the condescending and baseless conjecture on why people hate "these" movies over "those" movies, as with anything, they are individual preferences, and blanket statements are never insightful or accurate.

    They are just movies and just actors. And there is nothing wrong with finding better and more enjoyable ways to spend your time and money if you can't stand the cast (hello Shia in Crystal Skull) or find new adjustments unnecessary and irritating.

  24. Fresh Off the Boat sucks big time. Predictable dialogue. What's with the young woman, and the elderly man as her husband?

    Crazy Rich Asians was fantastic.

  25. Constance Wu is not A list.

  26. @Do Tell

    Yes, I will gladly take the opinion of about ten A-list American directors over yours. They may be wrong, but the mere fact you brush off their opinion about Driver just to bake in some hatred against him mostly highlights some irrationality at work.


  27. carrie fisher exposed harrison ford = dead

    joan rivers exposed michelle obama = dead

  28. @longtimereader Found the white knight.
    Also found the SJW with shit taste in movies.

  29. Couple of things...
    1. I love Constance Wu turning down SW. FOTB is the first network comedy this century with all-Asian cast. Just like CRW was the first US studio film to have an all Asian cast since the Joy Luck Club. It’s refreshing to see an actress have some standards and not look at the price tag.
    2. @hortensia Elderly old man? Randall Park is eight years older than Constance Wu but he certainly doesn’t look it.
    3. Adam Driver is a great actor. Soon to be nominated for an Oscar in Blackkklansman great. That said, I will admit that SW doesn’t show he ability and range.
