Tuesday, December 04, 2018

Blind Item #9

That concert event that started out her a few years ago that is basically just a money laundering vehicle has now managed to add another location with the help of the main beneficiaries to the laundering which is a permanent A+/A list couple.


  1. Beyoncé and JayZ?

  2. Global Citizen
    South Africa
    beyonce & jayz

  3. Certainly explains why charities are so popular among the very wealthy.

  4. I think they are total bs anyway. Complete farce. All for marketing.

  5. it'd be cool one day if jayz and beyonce went down for money laundering and fraud

  6. Anonymous11:59 AM

    I would love to see Beyoncé and Jay-Z go down. It would be sweet.

  7. Aw crap. Justin Trudeau just pledged $50 million CDN to Education Can Not Wait, at the Global Citizen Festival in SA. He tweeted it to Trevor Noah. And he's catching heat from the opposition. With the scandal of all the billions of laundered Chinese money flowing into Toronto and Vancouver Real Estate, and it's connection to drug, and gangsters, this is going to look bad.
    Why is the Canadian PM so keen to impress celebrities? Is he lining himself up for a Nobel PP, or a UN gig post PM days?

  8. @Hush, So he's a sellout, it's really not a rare bird in North America. Hey at least he didn't marry his grandmother like that French guy ;)

  9. So we are the only ones paying taxes????

  10. Maybe the "grandma" is a beard???

  11. "charity" is mainly just a tax dodge.

  12. God how obnoxious is Jay-z becoming? being proud not to pay taxes? i guess those schools and projects in Brooklyn he grew up in couldn't do with the money eh?

  13. Does Beyonce have some sort of contract that bans her from performing without her pimp..I mean manager...I mean handler...I mean husband? He cheats on her, writes a whole album about it, now she can't be seen on a stage without him looming around? Riding her coat tails or did Daddy Knowles hand over the keys to her hubby? Its obnoxious.
