Friday, December 21, 2018

Blind Item #9

After yet another event to make money for herself, this newly married foreign born A-/B+ list actress didn't even bother to go back to the hotel with her husband but went out with friends, including a guy she had an affair with years ago.


  1. And the guy was a married co-star she had an affair with back in Bollywood.

  2. She had a bash for her 20th wedding reception and a lot of Bollywood stars were there. Pretty sure she hooked up with one of them.

    1. Sounds a lot like “Hollywood”😉

  3. she's quite the piece, isn't she?

  4. The 2 guys she had affairs with were not there at her reception, and one who was there was with his wife!

  5. Im thinking the bash hasnt ended yet😁those Bollywooders sure know how to throw a party!

  6. What do you guys think Nick thinks at night while he's taking his socks off in his separate bedroom?

    Do you think he has a loved one somewhere who he texts all the grisly details to?

    Do you think he asks his father for a daily update of how much money they are making and how it feels to watch his son lose his soul?

    We may never know.

  7. I want to send her a shirt saying....My Bestie got a Prince and all I got was a Jonas brother!!!

    I guess they feel the more wedding receptions they have, the more people might actually believe they are a real couple!

  8. Hannah J,

    LMAO. Make that shirt, plug it on social media and watch the orders roll in!

  9. Hanna J, that is hilarious :..i second PurplePuppin suggestion :)

  10. Anonymous1:33 PM

    We can see why she and M.Markle are pals.
    Social climbers flock together.
    At least Markle pretended to be interested in the new spouse....
    For a few months anyway.

  11. Social climbers seem to be
    +career in acting
    = disingenuous fraudsters

  12. @hannah j: have them made and list it on Etsy. You’ll sell out within a week.

  13. Wow! This marriage won't end well.

    And Hannah J: I think at this point even the people that believed they were a real couple are starting to question this relationship. They are doing entirely too much even for an Indian wedding.

  14. If its true i feel really bad for nick. Who seems like a really nice guy
    But she might still be continuing her affair with king khan and this marriage is just to cover that up. Accordinv to bollywood blinds, she even introduced nick to him to at the ambani wedding and they were so cordial to the point people couldnt believe it.
