Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Blind Item #9

"He was my professor. After being brought on a "field trip" we got to talking and found that we had many of the same interests. We were around each other for a few days, talking lightly and made each other laugh. After the event one night, we were hanging out, talking and he became very forward, I let him know I was with someone and we ended up making out. That seemed fine at the time but he got my number (not from me) and began texting me a ton, being very forward with what he'd like to do with me. I was still in class with him and it felt awkward to sit there and receive such things.  But also frazzled and maybe flattered? Anyhow, I end up on another "field trip" at the end of the day he asks me to linger. I wait for him a bit then he has me meet him. I'm not saying I didn't expect anything, but my pants were off before I could blink. Totally consensual but for sure more than I bargained for. The year went on, in class he directly mentioned our field trip and asked if I liked it. At some point he asked me to be his assistant, he gave me a day to respond, and when I did and mentioned that I had gotten engaged the deal was off. Later found out the woman who took my place was explicitly found with him. He's a s**t but a generous one. I'm not naive but in college, you're dumb or something. It made me feel pretty gross inside though after all the allegations came out, I know how good his PR team is and saw how what happened in the other incidents turned out."

Disgraced A- list mostly movie actor from an acting family. 


  1. Franco is A+ now Enty?

  2. We’ve all made bad decisions in our past, is this really a blind? She said it was consensual, he sucked. So what? Like dating your professor is ever a good idea.

  3. Consensual? Yes. Ethical? No.

  4. remember the blind enty had on here about the girls in the acting school that were victimized in 'the rape room' were banding together for a lawsuit?

    hmmmmmmm I wonder what happened to that

  5. Anonymous11:42 AM

    He’s a creep my friend used to date his assistant and Not only does he steal script ideas from students- he’s just overall a creeper -yeah...

  6. Ugh, she made out with that yellow teeth, food in teeth having dirt bag and still fucked him? gross.

  7. she should have stopped at "flattered" she got off on it then felt gross when he did it with everyone she realized she wasn't a special snowflake

    Franco is too obvious we know about him. Plenty of actors go on to teach.


  8. Not for nothing, but she sounds like a whiny Alanis Morrisette song. In college, you are an adult. You knew what you were doing and you were starstruck. Big deal. It happens. Save the whole "it makes me feel gross inside". Quit the BS and making it worse for the girls that really were assaulted. Not here to sl*t-shame, but also not here to pity you for hooking up with someone that never claimed to be anyone but what he was.

  9. Yeah, she's "with" someone but makes out with him? Lingers about after class? Agrees to be his assistant?
    Whatever, lady.

  10. Yuck. She is more than dumb to let Skanko anywhere near her - even just physically he is revolting.

    While it was inappropriate as her professor, she didn't seem to discourage him at all.

  11. Non-issue. Just move on from your regret sex lady. I'll wait until a blind by someone he actually did victimized comes out.

  12. Even if you're 18+, don't f*ck your teachers, it's not classy.

  13. Franco the wankco

  14. THis is so weird. I don’t usually come here anymore, but i just woke-up from a dream (it wasn’t about CDAN/Enty) but i was on a school bus (one of those yellow ones) on a field trip Enty was driving (I think it was in Japan) and then Enty played a film he said was his version of “ALMost Famous” and how it all started on a big screen TV.

    I wake-up, get on here and there’s a BI about James Franco (power-abusing ASSHOLE he is with his acting school) and a field trip. Weird.

    “Twilight Zone/Alfred Hitchcock Presents” weird.

  15. “At some point he asked me to be his assistant, he gave me a day to respond, and when I did and mentioned that I had gotten engaged the deal was off. Later found out the woman who took my place was explicitly found with him.”

    Yeah this is exactly what happens. The pervy teacher will ask you to be his “assistant” outside class where nobody’s around. You say no, and all of the sudden you’re no longer cast in the class’ productions (thus end up with no credits to add to your Acting CV after your education).

    But then the woman who explicitly reciprocates his flirtations when he flirts with her in front of the class (an ego boost for sure), gets all the leading roles. ABuse of authority at its core. Assholes.

  16. IT sounds like she wanted the trophy of being with a famous guy, but the status of not liking it and feeling icky. She was in a relationship at the time and sounds like she knew exactly what she was doing, feel sorry for her fiance

  17. Some of you are coming down pretty hard on this poster.
    Most young women in college would be attracted to a good-looking, successful guy and be conflicted about it if he were in a position of power over her.
    I appreciated this poster's honesty!

  18. @MoreCowbell: Fuck you! Don’t ever quote ‘most women in college’ because that just makes you an asshole. I moved to NY when I was 17 to go to a college that I will not mention, but it’s one of the highest rated schools in NYC. My father died a year prior, so I got scholarships, etc., but still needed additional income. I was lucky enough to get a job working for one of the top 5 designers in NY, while still attending school full-time. I can’t even describe the number of times that I was hit on, offered money, offered coke, offered ANYTHING, by ‘good-looking, successful guys’ in your terms. I was even offered to be the featured model in a specific ad campaign if I’d f’ someone. (Which I could’ve probably pulled off, based on my looks, but that was never my goal in life.) Please know that I’m not bragging, but I’m outlining the situation.

    But even if I was totally broke, I’d rather eat a slice of pizza for dinner than sell my self and my soul. And no. I was never, ever, conflicted. Are you?

    1. Good 4 u Aquagirl. Had the same experiences in a less glamorous environment.

  19. Do you really need to swear at someone and call him/her vulgar names? I think you’d get your point across without doing that.
    I also think your whole modeling story is a non sequitur.

  20. so she cheated on her boyfriend, had consensual sex with her 'professor', yet I'm supposed to feel sorry for her? why?

  21. I'm sorry but I have no sympathy for this chick. So you cheat on your boyfriend with this douchebag and then feel disgusting when you found out you weren't the only one he was fucking? Boo hoo. If anything, she's just as gross as Franco.

  22. Not having read CDAN yet I never understood why I loathed him so much. It's all in the eyes.



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