Monday, December 03, 2018

Blind Item #8

This former A++ list mostly movie actress who still has one of the biggest names on the planet is cheating on her long suffering husband. She is doing so with this former A list singer who is a celebrity offspring. People forget he is an offspring because of his long career and he has a celebrity offspring who is catching him on the list.


  1. Julia and Lenny Kravitz

  2. Geez,Lenny could do better than that!

  3. Omg he like his woman tall huh(remember Nic Kidman and he)

  4. I saw a picture of her and thought it was Kaitlin Jenner.

  5. As long as she avoids his toilet...

  6. Please let this be Meryl Streep and Hank Williams Jr. A match made in heaven!

  7. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Probably Julia Roberts. I hope Danny gets a huge settlement, but I bet he signed a pre-nup and gets nothing. He wasted his good looks on her.

  8. So is Danny available then?

  9. Kravitz' mother was on The Jeffersons in the 70s. Who knew?

  10. @Unknown,is old folks who watched too much TV in the seventies. Remember when he Romeo Blue?

  11. Ah half of a history making tv couple RIP Roxie Roker! Helen and George Willis tvs first interracial couple.

    1. It was Helen and Tom Willis. George was married to Louise (Weezie).

  12. wouldn't TV's first interracial couple be Lucy and Desi?

  13. No Desi was a white Cuban whose family came over from Spain, mixed marriage but not interracial marriage.

  14. Keep the political bullshit out of the gossip, please and thank you.

  15. Why are we calling Julia Roberts *former* A++?? I think that still applies.

  16. Long suffering, has she been cheating on him before?

  17. I knew it was Julia, but I couldn't figure out who the male was.

    It's LENNNY! Way to go, you sleuthing machines!

    I repeat one of my favorite lines from Gilmore Girls: "Where does Lenny Kravitz get all his money?"

  18. Solo dropped to many tabs of Acid!! Rush that man to the psych ward. Whoever nails Lenny is a very lucky lady.

  19. Lucy and Desi were considered interracial because he was Hispanic, which, if not interracial, was still interethnic and bold for its time rto be shown on TV.

  20. Maybe Nicole is going for the second time around?

  21. Lenny definitely fits the singer with his kid acting now and his mom from THE JEFFERSONS fame.

  22. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Hey, look who's sliming back into the comments.

    Back to 4chan, loser.

  23. Fuck off, Amazing Quotes.

  24. My bad on the wrong first name for Tom Willis, long, long time ago. Also, Lenny is related to Al Roker who was Roxie's cousin, but damn if i know what that makes Al to Lenny--second cousins?

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Ah, 4chan, the place for those who can't get hired OR laid.

    As for you, Assholeinhand IQLow, people come here for a distraction from the partisan political bullshit spouted by conspiracy theory spouting knownothings like you. This is a gossip site, not the Associated Press, Reuters, or any actual news source. It doesn't mean we don't consult real news sources on our own for the latest in current events, we do. But you are NOT an actual news source, and nobody in their right mind would take seriously anything that spouts from your gaping sore of a mouth or springs from your brainless skull. While it's somewhat adorable that you think you have anything to teach anybody, in fact all you have to offer are noxious, clueless keyboard farts.

    So shut the fuck up and sit down, but before you do that, Sallyanne, go get me a beer, bitch.

  27. Who left the loony-bin door open?

  28. Anyone who uses "Drumpf" as an insult is a moron. (Trump married not one but two immigrants -- Ivana and Melania -- and is all for legally immigrating to this country.) But then you go psycho with your racist conspiracy theories and demand to be taken seriously. Please.

  29. Smoke so more dope will get the edge off. And stop watching the news

  30. @Depeche Model said Who left the loony-bin door open?

    Sadly, it was Enty.
    I hope we're not headed for another wave like this summer when the QAnon channers were hanging out.

  31. Do tell - You tried to be courteous and pleasant, but he just couldn't take the hint, so you brought out the BIG GUNS! And the lashing made my day. Muchas Grassyass!

  32. Lenny's father, Sy Kravitz, was wealthy in his own right, not super rich, but pretty well off.

    Lenny played concerts and he was in the last generation of artists to make money off selling albums rather than single downloads. He has an enormous number of soundtrack listings (those first 8 bars of American Woman pay very well, it looks like.)

    As long as Lenny stays away from timeshares and Scientology, he's going to stay fairly rich.

  33. Anytime, sugar! :)

  34. "What, do you fucking retards just read this site and give yourself a little giggle and then go off and do what you do with your day?"

    Yes. Better than giving yourself an anyeurism over celebrity gossip.



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