Saturday, December 01, 2018

Blind Item #8

It is pretty funny that this former escort turned actress turned celebrity turned reality star doesn't even share the same bedroom as the guy she calls her husband.


  1. We had a BI about Donnie and Jenny McCarthy yesterday and we get another one today?

  2. So maybe this is Denise Richards today

  3. Definitely Denise Richards.

  4. Looks like Denise added to her resume...good job, Denise!

  5. Is there something weird about having your own bedroom? I'd imagine it depends on your personality. I know I'd want my own. I need space. Doesn't mean I don't love you. But I need space.

  6. Maybe he snores. That's good enough for me

  7. You already told us that this was a fake marriage.

  8. For gawwwwd's sake. Who cares? I haven't shared a room with Mr Meat for like evva. And we don't even Have a reality show.

  9. Not all that uncommon. Someone snores or is restless and the other cant sleep means separate bedrooms better.

  10. When I finally find my significant other, I hope to call him Mr. Meat.

    It has a nice ring to it. :)

  11. Maybe he snores, or hogs the covers, or doesn’t want the t.v. on, or thinks her feet are too cold and hates when she hits the snooze button or....

  12. Maybe he's too damned lazy to make the bed, being the last one out of it.
    Solution: sleep in your own bed. And, pay for a housekeeper.

  13. I have my own bedroom. We are happier for it. He snores, goes to bed & wakes early. I start work a lot later & am a night owl so it works for us. If we are feeling romantic we just play musical beds between his, mine or the spare room (whichever one the dogs arnt in)

    1. For married couples to sleep in separate beds was a healthy early 19th century norm for the middle class and above.
      Before then, sleeping in different rooms was also the norm for those couples who could afford it.
      In general sleeping and fucking in the same bed is a bad idea. It kills the vibe and is unsanitary.

  14. +1 Renee

    That is how we have stayed happily married for 30years
