Saturday, December 29, 2018

Blind Item #7

This foreign born still one hit wonder kicked out at least three of the people on her mini-tour from their hotel rooms for talking back to her. They were in the right and she was in the wrong, but she doesn't care. Her life is about to come crashing down anyway. There is big trouble brewing.


  1. Replies
    1. Foreign born one hit wonder is always Iggy.

  2. As long as she is paying the bills, she is always in the right! Maybe her staff will learn their lesson!

  3. Oh no, oh no, wait, who cares?

  4. Back to the yacht she goes...

  5. I don't think you should ever talk back to your boss. You can disagree and state your case, but talking back is kind of disrespectful and wont get you anywhere

  6. lol @ having that shitforbrains as your boss.

  7. Poor Iggy she’s always in some type of turmoil in life.

  8. Stupid bitch, did she even care about that dancer?

  9. Paying the bills? She doesn't pay her bills, that's her problemo.

  10. What the big trouble going to come crashing down?

  11. I'm not a fan of Iggy in any way, but I'm so sickened with how much she is being bit by bit being destroyed. Save it for the child molesters and the sexual predators.

    Entity is hypocritical, misogynistic arse.

  12. Don't wanna see her sextape😬

  13. Poor Iggy... after all she's done for tbe world!

  14. Anonymous3:11 PM

    I agree Iggy does seem to get picked on a lot. She's one of those people who other people really want to see fall for some reason. I get she's not that talented but neither are a lot of people. Unless she's just a horrible, horrible person I don't get the hate.

  15. Rene - maybe you haven't read about what Iggy really is.

    She is a small town white girl from Australia who flew to USA with the express purpose of being a rapper. She had (and has) almost zero talent. She was more than willing to have sex with WHOMEVER NECESSARY to make that happen.

    Many reputable producers have tried to work with her because she was so convincing that this was the right path for her. But she just doesn't have the chops to deliver and most/many of them ended up walking away as a result. She's also made poor choices.

    Don't feel sorry for her, she created all of this.

    1. I really liked her in the 2004 classic, "White Chicks" tho

  16. lol @hunter still not child molester or sexual predator. Doesn't deserve all the backlash. If she's willingly sleeping her way to wherever she wants to go, who cares??

  17. @hunter gtf you nasty bint, that does not equate to her creating any of 'this'.
    @Boldblonde - yup, logic.

  18. I would like to know who she pissed off? What's fueling this. Her blinds could easily be Minaj or Cardi. It's all blurring together/sounding the same.

  19. Iggy should have stayed as a cou rtesan at the aria
