Sunday, December 09, 2018

Blind Item #6

Apparently the word is out and this permanent A list singer who is known for just lip syncing these days, is not selling tickets. She is too cheap when it comes to things like that to buy them up herself and give them out for free, so will be interesting to see what she thinks of playing to half empty places.


  1. Meems pretty much killed her concert giving career that New Years Eve night "performance"

  2. She needs to retire, and just do Christmas songs. Luv her but she's done.

  3. Other than the gays, I don't know anyone who has ever been interested in seeing Mariah live.

  4. I look at Britney’s limited dates in Vegas and they are selling and commanding house payment prices except the nosebleeds

  5. Well slightly in her defense it would seem a losing proposition to buy half the seats on your concert tour.

  6. Would Britney have the authority to "be cheap" given the conservatorship?

  7. Mariah all the way. Article in DM about her. She got fat again. How could she, she had half of her stomach chopped? Has to be all the drinking. What she needs is a nice posh rehab.

    Honey, your voice is gone from all your drinkin' and druggin', you ruined your instrument. Take your millions, boy toy and live a Queen. Retire. You're not foolin' anyone, it looks desperate and quite frankly sad.

    If ANYONE has to lip sync their concert, they're not a singer, they're an entertainer. Like Britney, I don't consider her a singer, she's an entertainer.

    Mariah was once one of the greats, but she ruined her instrument of her own undoing. I don't feel sorry for her. She was blessed with a singing voice and took the wrong path.

  8. 100% Britney. Have heard that this is probably her last residence and while her shows are "selling out" that is because they are having to buy and give away tickets to keep up appearances.

    Just because a theater is packed in Vegas, does not mean half the place was not "Comped"

  9. Very nice and interesting post!
    Is that why they're rioting in paris?
    She showed up there last week.

  10. Mariah does not lip sync. My husband is friends with her keyboard player. This is definitely Britney. I've seen Brit live 4 times, most recently her summer Piece of Me tour, and unfortunately, she didn't sing a single note this last time. She did sing some songs/ parts of songs live at her older shows I saw, but not this time.



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