Friday, December 07, 2018

Blind Item #6

It is the holiday season so this A list couple consisting of an A list actor and his foreign born celebrity wife have to at least seem like they are interested in their children. It is about the only time of year. 


  1. Anonymous8:03 AM

    this is sad. :(

  2. Not true Enty. They show the love to the babies every time bad publicity or a movie premiere is around the corner. Give George and Amal some credit.

  3. Sadly there’s no time of year I’m interested in them.

  4. Exactly I saw that pic of Amal with a twin on both hips, she could not have looked more over it. We can only hope the nannies are nice. Ps why did they have kids again?

  5. Anonymous8:30 AM

    they look so much like her

  6. They are both insufferable fakes.

  7. C'mon the kids are treated like royalty, farmed out to the nannies in large, cold mansions then packed off to boarding school to entertain pedophile teachers. A solid aristocratic upbringing.

  8. She looked so awkward with her kids. Hope the nannies are sweet to them.

  9. Anonymous8:41 AM

    she didnt look awkward to me, maybe youve never held twins on each side but its not exactly the easiest thing to do.

    1. I have. It’s not easy but she looked awkward to me. I’m allowed to have my opinion.

    2. She was wearing heels too. That's hard when your a toothpick!

  10. It's the newest trend: baby beards.

  11. I almost faceplanted myself when i saw Amal holding the twins! The thirst is real in this one!

  12. She's so skinny she looked miserable logging two children herself.. I had twins and it was hard but I did it..
    U get used to the hustle of handling two at once..

  13. The combined weight of the twins was probably more than Amal weighs. Kids are cute, but that photo looked staged....down to the twin bears the kids were holding. They are very cute kids however.

  14. @MeAgain: Definitely if you add in the weight of the bears. Her whole outfit was staged down to her leather pants which showed how thin she really is. Plus the fact that it was taken at the Four Seasons.

  15. Amal holding those twins looked like she'd never held either of them even one at a time! Yikes that was awkward!

  16. belly laffed when i saw that pic.

  17. @kfitz I literally thought "That woman has never held those kids in her life" when I saw the pic. Awkward AF.

  18. I love the assumption that those children aren't better off that way. They know when daddy gets angry people start falling off cliffs.

  19. gotta say, the little boy looks like a mini clooney.
    hope he grows up nothing like his father....

  20. She does not look that awkward in the video - the biggest give-away was that she insisted on carrying them both whilst surrounded by so much help.

  21. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Meh, she held them for a few seconds... then handed em back to the team of nannies.
    Very obvious to any parent.
