Monday, December 03, 2018

Blind Item #6

This A- list mostly television actress who is on a long running hit network show for a while longer talks a big game but doesn't put her money where her mouth is but expects her fans to do it for her. She spends more on her nails each month than she did on this fund raising project.


  1. Sarah Hyland?
    Or Kaley C?

  2. Going with Sarah hyland

  3. Kaley with her animal fundraisers .

  4. Sarah Hyland was sharing a gofundme for her nephew/ uncle this weekend. The 'original' goal was only 10 thousand, so I was a bit surprised why Sarah couldn't pony that up herself. Of course now that she shared the fundraiser the goal has been raised. Sad for her family, but seems a bit shady

  5. Anonymous8:21 AM


  6. Debra Messing of Will and Grace is currently doing a fundraiser for children with mental illness

  7. Yes ,ten thousand is a drop in the bucket for a tv star. Sara could have,given it quietly,so other family wouldn't put their hands out.

  8. Unless its her immediate family, she should not have to help anyone. Helping extended family members is like opening a pandoras box, once its opened it will remain open forever. Speaking from personal experience!

  9. Sarah Hyland is a scum bag for that go fund me move!!!!

  10. @yep that's what I was about to post also. Unless she figured out how to give them the money very discreetly - and maybe she did give them an initial boost before the public go fund me.

    Non secretly giving money to extended family sounds like a recipe for drama

  11. I don't know, I feel like there's a whole lot more to the story.

  12. Agree with Brayson. There is something we don't know about the family or the situation. Maybe the family has begged her for money in the past and a small donation is the only way she can contribute without them going nuts or something.

  13. People can spend their money any way they want. I don't tell you how, so you don't me how.

  14. Being the 'rich' family member of extended family is not always rosy.
    There are members of the family who have absolutely no shame, feel entitled to your money, and will ask you at every turn, give you sob stories, call you relentlessly for cash, but forget to call on your birthday; it makes a person bitter and leaves them feeling like a fucking cash cow, let me tell you! You give once, twice, thrice, but as soon as you say 'no', suddenly you're an asshole, and all the other times you helped are forgotten.

  15. Amen, Depeche. One BIL stole from us and the other makes more and is an awful money manager. Two bankruptcies that I know of. Had the gall to call asking for a couple of hundred to pay his light bill. Twice. Never called other than to ask for $. He finds the money for his leisurely pursuits, though. NFL tickets aren't cheap.



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