Monday, December 24, 2018

Blind Item #6

Not very nice of this former A list mostly movie actress from a bloody franchise to yell at her celebrity girlfriend when the girlfriend found her in bed with another woman and blamed the celebrity for not giving her enough sex.


  1. Yep - sounds like K Stew.

  2. kstew's new gf is very fug.

    stella at least was hot.

    1. She dated much worse than the current girl. Kstew is game as long as they have a pu**y.
      Stella Maxwell always came off as frigid though. Pretty but zero sexual energy.

  3. Guys that can't even hope to get near either woman would think this is hot, lol.

  4. BG says it was the GF who cheated and KSTEW was forced to move on! Who do we believe?

  5. Looks like this was sent in by stella herself. Blind gossip implies she's the one who cheated.

  6. Kristen seems asexual or almost a pre-teen in her relationships. It looks like she likes hanging out, holding hands and kissing.

    1. Are you kidding? The woman literally had the biggest cheating scandal in Hollywood and apparently she can't get enough of women either.

    2. Please it was a non story. The media may a big deal out of it , to make money. All three of the lead actors are gay or bisexual...all three.

    3. Please, it was the tip of the iceberg as far as Kristen Stewart's cheating goes. She's a serial cheater but Soko is the only one who's called her out for it on social media. She nearly derailed two movie franchises with her cheating scandal. Twilight fans were threatening to boycott Breaking Dawn until Pattinson stepped up and was seen to publicly forgive her, and Universal fired her from the Snow White franchise because they knew she was too much of a loose canon. That cost her a $10 million paycheck, so it was not a "non-story."

      And no, not all three of the leads were gay. Just Kristen and Taylor. As much as gay men would like Pattinson to be gay, he isn't. And Kristen is bisexual, she just prefers sex with women.

  7. Lesbian bed death is a thing.


  8. i hope chloe grace moretz gets oscar nom for TheMiseducationOfCameronPost

  9. Ya know, just because BG printed it first doesn't mean they're the ones who got it right. Just sayin'.

  10. Let me get this straight, Stella Maxwell caught KStew in bed with another woman and KStew yelled at Stella Maxwell for not giving her enough sex?
    Damn KStew. I'm impressed

  11. But who was the woman in bed with KStew?

  12. Stella caught Kristen in bed with another woman WHAT SHOCK!. wow But, was the famewhore SARA DINKIN or another.I think Kristen was who cheat and Stella doesn't forgive it. Kristen wants a slave sexual. Stella has a work and has that travelling much. Kristen needs a woman umployed just for having sex with her like Sara and Sara is shorter that Kristen, Kristen will have better control in bed, Stella much for her.

  13. i can never tell when enty says "bloody", if he means the english kinda not really swear word or bloody as in blood

  14. It will be interesting when it item revealed. The item de Kristen and Chloe was fast. CDN know s all the true.

  15. This wouldn't be the first time Stella caught KStew cheating but it might be the last. She cheated with at least 2 women in public last year and probably several more that we never heard about. She can't be faithful for five minutes. Stella is better off without her, she's toxic.



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