Tuesday, December 04, 2018

Blind Item #5

The foreign born former singer turn drug addicted television host doesn't realize her group is a gimmick and people already got the reboot of the gimmick a few years back. No one wants to see them and it has nothing to do with ether the non singing one is there or not. Sorry you are so desperate for cash. You should cancel the tour because it is going to look bad with half filled arenas. The thing is though, you don't care as long as you get paid.


  1. Mel B/Spice girls, non singer is Posh

  2. But I thought everyone wanted to see them and there would be heaps of money?

  3. They've sold out all of their UK shows due to massive demand? Is the blind referring to US/worldwide dates?

  4. Enty will start saying that promoters bought all the tickets and will give them away, because no one ever has a successful tour.

  5. This is a case of someone that didn’t realize what a gift they were handed in life. Not just once, but twice. She blew it, and I hope she gets therapy.

  6. Who forced them? They were not complaining when they were "stars"

  7. The UK shows sold out due to their still tabloid/daytime TV ubiquity. Oversea and the US? not so much i'm guessing.

  8. Yeah, I thought overseas ticket sales were through the roof.

  9. Anonymous10:07 AM

    These girls all lucked out on a level that happens to very, very few people in life. None of them were that beautiful, or that talented, and that's what made The Spice Girls so unique and great for their 15 minutes. Whatever deal they signed (again with the luck!) allowed them to all make tens of millions of dollars each, during a time when other girl bands like TLC were going bankrupt. They could have done anything they wanted after the group ended. That's why I have total respect for Posh and zero respect for Mel B. She blew it herself. She can't expect the other girls to go along with her to bail her out of her financial woes. She lived beyond her means. I think all the others still live well off their Spice Girls $.

  10. Why is everyone down on Mel B? Their tour is going to make them a lot of money. The usual schadenfreude?

  11. They were a fucking embarrassment. I didn't know anyone in the UK who liked them other than kids.

  12. Maybe if they came out to Australia/NZ like they have promised for years and never delivered, we'd pack out their tour several times over

  13. The Spice Girls tour WILL sell out in the UK which is a rich European country. They will also sell out in Ireland as well. The Spice Girls are not popular in North America but do NOT underestimate their popularity.

  14. I dunno, my 90's babies and all their friends are dying for them to appear in the states. I think they'll do just fine here.

  15. I call B.S on this blind. SG sold out, and they are adding more venues.

  16. Did God write this blind?

  17. ummmm what? Are you drunk Enty? Their STADIUM not arena STADIUM shows in the UK have ALL sold out in no time lol and that's all the dates there are. There aren't any international dates

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