Monday, December 03, 2018

Blind Item #5

The reason this reality family is so upset at the only one who doesn't really work and doesn't appear on the show all that often is because they are also paying his hooker/stripper bill which is nearing $100K each month.


  1. Anonymous7:56 AM


  2. Anonymous7:56 AM

    poor rob

  3. The Kardashians with Rob as the virtual no-show. Man, his life is a mess with no job, no companion and a (admittedly adorable) child to support. You'd think he'd try to pull it together, in memory of his father.

  4. So don't pay his bills.
    Unless he is threatening to write a tell-all book.....

  5. No sympathy for anyone in that pathetic family including Rob. If he had any brains, he would write the tell all and be set for life.

  6. Good for him for squandering their undeserved cash.

    I can only imagine what it is like to have 2 domineering mothers and 5 domineering sisters, I am surprised he is still going. Going to strippers is just a form of escapism and coping like drugs.

  7. Wait, so that’s roughly $3000/day on strippers and hookers? And they’re paying it for him? Plus living expenses and child support? Write a damn book and move far far away. And get some therapy while you’re at it.

  8. And gastric bypass. All he needs to do is loose the weight. He went to law school and should get a real job

  9. I wonder what their accountant lists the hooker/stripper bill under,does it get a tax break?

  10. Let him use free internet porn like millions of other people.

  11. He probably lists it as physical and/or mental therapy.

  12. Anonymous9:12 AM

    They pay Rob to keep his mouth shut.

  13. I wonder who runs the Beverly Hills whorehouse these days?

  14. Rob didn't go to law school. I think he got some sort of business degree from USC.

    Let's not forget his sock line venture... Good god, would I love to see that tell-all book.

  15. Yeesh, does he own company stock in Whores Inc?

  16. That's what I do when I feel fat, broke and depressed. Get my family to hire hookers and strippers for me. Always makes me feel better about myself.

  17. How are these not all-cash transactions?

  18. I was all in for the Duggars until I saw the $100K a month number.

  19. Write a tell all? About your own damn family that supports your fat ass and your fat ass vices? What a POS. If I was Kris, I'd tell him that he gets NOTHING MORE unless he signs a NDA. Then, I'd pay for his whores for about another month, then tell him I'm paying for nothing more. And that if he DOES write that book, I will sue his ass for violating the NDA and take every cent he makes from it, then disown him. Conversely, I'd tell him that while the whore money and other stuff is stopping, he can move into the basement as long as he agrees to get a job. Otherwise, enjoy living under a bridge.
