Monday, December 17, 2018

Blind Item #3

This former A list celebrity who still has a name everyone recognizes despite not being in the public eye for much of the past decade says she has not even gone on a date in the last ten years and says she is asexual. That may be true, but there are men who have enjoyed her company for money.


  1. Probably a far out there guess, but Janeane Garofalo?

    1. You think someone is paying to have sex with JG, lol

  2. This brings back memories of an episode of Seinfeld where George didnt have to worry about sex and suddenly he became very smart and productive! Does that happen to asexual people too?

  3. Anonymous8:32 AM

    +1 MDAnderson. DM had a story on her.

  4. Definately Octomom. The NYT's just did an interview with her. She still sounds out there but somewhat stabilized. She now lives with her FOURTEEN kids in a 3 bedroom condo in Laguna Beach with only 2 dining chairs. On weekends they have raw vegan family fun nights munching on kale.

  5. If Octomom as former A list, I give up.

  6. Just read that Octomom thing. She says she doesn't date and her stripping/ porn days are in the past. But didn't say she wasn't whoring. There are some weirdos out there who get off on having sex with oddities like her.

  7. Maybe she can become friends with Angie since neither of them seem to have any friends. And their 20 kids can hang out together.

  8. Octomom does NOT want to be called Octomom any more, people! Let's show some respect! She does seem to be trying to make an honest go of it and admits that her desire to have a million children was a bit selfish. Reading about all of those kids stresses me the F out!!

  9. No way was Octomom A list. And I couldn't tell you her real name, so perhaps her nickname is one that everyone recognizes.

  10. Of course she isn't dating!!

    What guy in his right mind would date a stripper with 14 kids?

  11. This blind seems ridiculous if it is about 'octomom' because you've already made blinds regarding her and how she has had to make ends meet to provide for her children. Honestly this seems like a really stupid post. It's like saying "she may not be having sex right now, but she used to!" Like. Let the girl live. She has had to do what she has had to do in order to be able to provide a better future for her children. She's a human with flaws and she, thankfully appears to be allowing herself to learn as she grows, which is all we can ask of ANYONE

  12. Mischief Girl - Nadya Suleman. My mind insists on absorbing much useless info.
