Monday, December 10, 2018

Blind Item #3

It was less shocking that this permanent A list singer was invited to perform at a wedding than it was for this former A+ list politician to attend also for a paycheck. Who pays a politician to attend a wedding?


  1. Beyonce and Hillary

  2. Beyoncé and Hillary the killer

  3. Hillary Clinton.... Queen of the Righteous and Phony.

  4. Hillary has done a terrible job being an ex-Presidential candidate.

    Mitt Romney has actually been pretty good in the role - he just got elected to the Senate - and John McCain, John Kerry, and Bob Dole at least didn't make absolute fools of themselves. Al Gore is another story.

  5. Al gore did that fine environmental doc before joining the silicon valley gravy train. Hillary is incapable of being graceful in defeat and still will not accept any blame for her loss. A real nasty person.

  6. People demand more of Hillary because she is a woman... then they vote for an asshat like Trump who can't even spell. Strong women scare weak people.

  7. @cc423. Disagree. There are a ton of reasons people did not embrace Hillary and has nothing to do with being a woman. She was an incredibly flawed candidate. Another Dem could have beaten Trump; just not her.

  8. Gotta agree, Simon.

    I'm trying to decide who my least favorite female politician is at the moment - Hillary or Kirsten Gillibrand?

    Gillibrand who was the one who just tweeted out "The future is female" even though she has two young sons at home.

    Thanks, mom.

  9. Don't forget, the American people voted Hillary over Cheeto Jesus by 2.8 million. I'd be pissed too

    1. So if we were to go by popular vote i.e heavily populated states that means California will decide the future of our country. No thank you!!!

  10. Im a Democrat and I find Hilary to be contemptable, so much so that if the Republican Party had put a qualified candidate up against her, I probably would have voted against her. I'm horrified to hear she may try again next year. Stay home and knit booties for your grandkids and STFU.

  11. The Ambani's apparently. Paid Hillary Clinton, Beyonce and the whole of Bollywood to look foolish at the wedding. People will stoop to any level for koney

  12. She's horrible and so are people who defend her just because she's female. The only reason she had any political career is because she enabled her hound dog husband and they both scored huge ill-gotten pay-for-play sums off his political career. It's the opposite of sexist to point out objective facts that add up to the inevitable conclusion that she's a big ole whore.

  13. How horrible do you have to be to lose to Donald Trump. Think about that for a minute. She lost to the worst major party presidential candidate in nearly a century. What does that make her?

  14. @ Moose. I am not a huge Hilary fan but this makes me FAR more cynical about society and women who voted against her. Trump is a FAR WORSE evil IMHO and yet they/we convinced ourselves this was not the case somehow. There may have been MANY more qualified than Hillary but she was easily MORE crucified being female. Think of her platform and issues and then make her a man. A MALE Hillary would have beaten Trump I honestly think. Instead we scorched her and put this excuse for a human being and leader.. and MOSTLY because she was FEMALE who dared to be flawed, not just flawed.

  15. Hilary Clinton did not lose to Trump. She clearly won the popular vote in an election amounting to little more than a coup by Putin. Enabled by the continuing existence if the outmoded and dangerous electoral college. Wake up America!

    1. For fucks same, STOP preaching the popular vote. You don't win a baseball game on hits. You're just making yourself out to be a bitter, sore, cry baby liberal.

      As someone who lives in Middle America, surrounded by states in which she couldn't pick up more than a few counties there, and one state in which she couldn't even pick up a single one, you should quit your bitching and turn on the news. Thousands of people were burning cars and rioting on the Champs Eleysees in Paris because of thinking like yours.

      Rant over.

  16. Hillary lost and she lost the popular vote as well which will be revealed. She is a vicious vile person no matter her gender. I'm a woman and actually supported her in the primaries against Obama. If I had voted for her in 2016 just because she's a woman, that would have been sexist just as it was racist if someone voted for Obama because he is Black or against him for the same reason.

  17. ...and the assumption that all who didnt vote for her did vote for the baffoon is the problem. The moment brain dead voters realize that getting out of the blue or red box is not only an option, but what every other 1st nation does, then and only then will our nation be saved.

  18. I’m a Democrat and didn’t want to vote for Hilary. I also hated how the DNC went all in for Hilary. They should have gotten a better likable candidate. Hilary is horrible to women too. Nutty is right. Why is Hilary at an Indian Billionaire wedding?? Isn’t she on a speaking tour?? The Clinton Foundation is shady as hell and they refused to give back Donations made my Harvey.

  19. They say in 5 to 10 years, maybe less, that due to changing demographics that Texas and Florida will be solidly blue and there will be no more possible Republican presidents. The only constant in the universe is change. And some other space sh!t, anyway elections are only getting wackier. ;)

  20. The republican base is literally dying and the lure of 'free stuff' is strong for many of the young. I think you're right Brayson.

  21. @OB Why is that I think that if it was the other way around - Repubs were losing the electoral college while winning the popular vote, you'd have the opposite opinion?

  22. Hillary is held to a higher standards because she's a woman?? LMAO

    It's the exact opposite: Hillary was held to NO standards whatsoever, JUST BECAUSE she's a woman!

  23. @cc people hated Hillary in the 90s. You wanna blame someone for Trump? Blame president and Mrs. Clinton. They started getting in his head about this in the 90s when Bill was in office. Really pushed it in 2012 so she could beat him.
    Remember they were besties. Weddings, christening, inaugurations, parties, Presidential library openings. You name it.
    Oh yeah blame the DNC and RNC as well.
