Sunday, December 09, 2018

Blind Item #2

This foreign born permanent A list celebrity continues to leave his wife at home while he leads a separate life. He is now seeing multiple women and that kind of puts his foreign born celebrity wife with a decision.


  1. Anonymous9:01 AM


  2. +1 Have some dignity, girl!

  3. She will never leave him. She no longer has an identity without him.

  4. Deciding on a career can be difficult.

  5. Anonymous10:08 AM

    If you notice in photos Posh drapes herself around him but he never touches her. He has a wife, a long term girlfriend (according to Enty) and he still trolls Instagram models and nightclubs looking for hookups. He must be a walking petri dish of STI's by now.

  6. I feel very sad for Posh.

  7. Posh was dumb not to cash in on this stupid ass Spice Girls tour.
    The damn shit sold out, she could have made millions and pocketed it and moved forward in a much better personal financial position. Without the embarrassment.
    Its obvious David is bankrolling her life/her business, which is why she sticks around.

    1. I agree, she made a bad decision by not joining the other girls for this comeback. I think it's well known, however, that she was always by far the weakest singer, dancer, and performer of the bunch. Maybe she can't stand any more potential embarrassment...

  8. David and Helena Christensen are partying together in Miami

  9. I hate this because I really like her. I find her to be quite funny. I love her self deprecating humor.

  10. @MStyles: Apparently she didn’t want to do the tour because she didn’t want David to cheat on her while she was gone which is pretty idiotic given that he so openly cheats on her when she is home. But agree, she should’ve done it. Besides the money, it would have probably helped her self esteem.

    Also, I may be wrong, but I think David is not bankrolling her business anymore because it’s in the red & he thinks she should close it down. If I would her, I’d partner with someone like H&M to do an affordable line. It would sell really well. She probably thinks it’s beneath her, but if Stella McCartney could do it, so could VB.
