Sunday, December 23, 2018

Blind Item #2

Apparently this former tweener turned A- list adult singer was pregnant when she tried to kill herself and then subsequently had a miscarriage.


  1. Selena Gomez? Just how many times did she get pregnant last year Enty?

  2. Could you leave them alone for just a little while?

  3. What a foul person you are.

    1. Too bad your mom did not take the morning after for your conception @unknown. U must really hate her.

  4. No, you're insulting every person involved including the person who attempted suicide. Perspective indeed.

  5. It cant be Selena because the bad actress part of her description is missing. Even though she probably was trying to kill herself when she got put away.

  6. Demi L —— DONT people take birth control medication.. in my eyes they want to become pregnant and they think it’s cute..

  7. ^ ..exactly. They have copper iuds that you can leave in for a decade or more. No babies with that thing.

    1. Try getting a vasectomy. The world will be a better place. IUD cause cervical cancer

  8. This is probably Selena. Demi is usually "former reality star." The bad actress part is just missing. She's looking a bit different in the released pics.

  9. Language, people - language. Where is some of this smut learned?

  10. copper iud does NOT cause me research that shows that please.

  11. Unknown is obvious troll. He probably doesn't give a damn about the blind or even means what he types. He's just trying to get a rise out of people. Mom's basement is cold and it warms the cockles of his heart when we respond to his dumbass troll posts. Ignore his future posts. I know it's hard to do because he's so damn annoying though.

    I think Unknown is the name used when you aren't registered with Blogger? Something like that. I can't recall. It was explained over the summer when there was some confusion over two different Unknowns. They should at least be numbered. What a weird system.

  12. i have tons of former addicts in my life. if she had a miscarriage prior to her OD can you guys just for a second understand what its like to lose a baby? id go back to my old coping mechanism too. compassion, people.



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