Monday, December 10, 2018

Blind Item #2

This dual threat A- list actress who is more known for her hit network show rather than her hit movie this year passed on a huge franchise because she isn't in the acting game for a big paycheck. That franchise is getting a lot of no's right now, especially after their big loss earlier this year.


  1. bond for the movie franchise??

  2. Morenna Bacarin/Deadpool 2??

  3. Guardians of the Galaxy for the franchise with a loss?

  4. Oh, yes. "Franchise".
    Remember when a really sweet film could still be in the top ten?
    Remember when a Nora Ephron romance was big box office? A shy blonde called Margaret Ryan was the biggest star around...
    Remember when a John Hughes, G rated comedy about kids at Christmas , could be #1?
    Feeling old...

  5. Constance wu for Stars Wars franchise.

    1. Since Crazy Rich Asians 'hit this year.

  6. It IS Constance Wu - agree with French Girl.

  7. FrenchGirl is correct.

  8. If it is Star Wars, what was the big loss last year?
    All I can think of was that Solo did merely $390M instead of $1.5B? That's what you get when you saturate the market.

  9. Constance Wu with Crazy rich Asians and Fresh off the Boat. Franchise being Star Wars. Solo was panned, I believe

  10. Probably Wu and star wars but I question her status as A list. I doubt that many could name her if they saw her picture or even identify what she does. That does not make an A.

  11. @Tricia13, your Priyanka guess made me LOL. She passed over a paycheck because she is a serious ACTRESS? A beauty queen who can't act and just married a gay pop star as a beard to up her profile and be on magazine covers lol!!!

  12. @AppleThief: The Star Wars loss was Carrie Fisher.

  13. @Florin: Thanks. That makes sense.

  14. Anonymous4:08 PM

    It is Constance Wu. She just passed on the Star Wars series for their new streaming service. It's not hard to Google her name and see it pop up as one of the first hits.

  15. +1 FrenchGirl! Constance Wu is still better known for Fresh Off the Boat, and has been vocal about the type of choices she wants to make and the kind of career she wants. A lot of artists *say* that sort of thing, but seeing her in interviews and press for CRA, she doesn't seem to worry about being liked or pleasing everyone with her answers. Pretty refreshing.
