Friday, December 21, 2018

Blind Item #1

This soon to be A list superhero had to be restrained from a reporter who he overheard telling people how bad the new movie is. It is bad. Like Suicide Squad bad.


  1. Eh, I pretty much liked Suicide Squad except for Jared Leto. I'm sure I'll be fine with Aquaman. Momoa needs to keep his cool.

  2. Jason Momoa. This movie looks like a whole MESS!

    1. Thanos looks like hubba bubba bubble gum man

  3. Aqua man just is released in France.I watched it .It is fun.Long and totally idiot.Momoa is good looking .more shirtless scene please.

  4. I saw it last night it was visually stunning, but a bit on the long side, it was fun. I don't get the expectations critics or people have when watching this genre of film. It's a a kiddie comic geek movie not Lawrence of Arabia FFS.

  5. What FrenchGirl said.
    I assumed we were all seeing Aquaman for shirtless Mamoa and not the, um, riveting story of Aquaman.

    1. How DARE you say such a thing?! 😉

  6. I don’t get the whole Jason Momoa thing. I know I’m in the minority on this.

    1. Neither do I. You're not alone.

  7. Aquaman is getting mixed reviews at best, i hope bumblebee/mary poppins kills it @ the box office. Could this be shazam? has an early cut had a viewing?

  8. When will the whole capeshit phenomena just die already?

    It's dragged on far too long.

  9. I dont think this is aquaman. while it isnt getting 'A++++' reviews, a high 60-ish on rotten tomatoes isnt exactly a terrible thing for a superhero movie.

    I have a feeling this is someone else. no clue tho since the ranking would imply its momoa, but the film hasnt been slaughtered by critics as implied by the blind

  10. @LonelyBastard

    as soon as people stop paying to see them. as long as they keep making so much $$$, they'll keep getting made. its up to the audiences that see the superhero 'capeshit' to stop for anything to change.

    I doubt that will happen. they show up, they give their money, then the studios will keep making them,.

  11. @nothisagain.

    Yeah, obviously you're right. Its just wishful thinking on my part.

    At the very least I wish they wouldn't be treated as if they are high art. And even they are getting fucking politicised too it seems, just like every fuckig thing else.

    Bad things happen when nerds are in the cultural ascendancy, believe me.

  12. Fun movie with the very visually appealing Jason Momoa. I'll watch it.

  13. I really liked Suicide Squad except for Cara Delwhatsherface

  14. Jason Mamoa is one of the hottest men on the plant. Khal Drogo anyone? geezus.

  15. Anonymous11:16 AM

    The casting of Amber Heard makes me hesitate to see this film. Even seeing Mamoa shirtless doesn't make up for Amber Heard's presence.

  16. Saw Aquaman and loved it. I had Zero expectations going in because of Jason and Amber who I thought they both can't act. But damn, the movie is good and every single person's acting is on point. It's on week 2 in East Asia and still house full.

  17. I watched Aquaman, and it is exactly what you would expect. Take that how you wish. I am not a fan of superheroes or CGI but think Momoa is criminally hot.

  18. I'm with "Lonely" on this.

    The Superhero genre is tired.

    I skip all those movies. Not interested.

    1. Great! That leaves an extra seat for me then

  19. I care nothing about superheroes but I will see pretty much anything with shirtless Jason Momoa in it.

  20. He appears to have a good sense of humor, which I find most appealing in a person.

  21. Im thinking this is more Zachary Levi and Shazam,isnt he a total douche anyways?

  22. Off topic - the Joker sets are visually beautiful. Amazing the work they did for a scene in an alley where they neede it filled with kgarbage.k. And Andy Cohen having a kid is a huge mistake. He doesnt even have his dog anymore. Kids are like Birkin Bags for gay men nowadays. And im speaking as part of the team.

  23. Meh? Not interested in superhero movies and hopefully Hollywood moves on soon; and also meh on Jason Momoa. Don’t get it (sport!).

  24. +1 Og
    Zachary Levi/Shazam



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