Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Blind Item #1

Don't believe the hype. This A list reality star will not be splitting anytime soon with this former A+ list rapper.


  1. Does anyone care???

  2. +1 Krab, definitely Kimye

  3. She doesn't want to be divorced 3 times.
    Or she is waiting it out longer, so she can play the martyr when she does leave him.

  4. But what about the blinds about her talking to lawyers a few weeks ago????
    Fake Blinds?

    1. Yea I was gonna say I remember the blind about talking to her lawyers. Maybe since drake has a bunch of naked pics of them fucking she’s staying by his side to save face. Also he seems like the type that would do something dangerous to himself or others if told she was gonna divorce him. Those kids 😔

    2. Or her lawyers told her she won't get much money in the divorce since Yeezy made most of money before he married her. Maybe she's hoping he'll come to his senses and make another 'great' album so she can hose him in the divorce.

  5. This is the place that said Kimye were splitting in the first place lol.

  6. Kim has been quoted as saying she wants to get married more times than Elizabeth Taylor, so I'm not convinced a third divorce would be much trouble. That said, convincing another A-List celebrity to date or marry her would be a tough sell so she may be keeping Kanye for security and drama.

  7. The sooner the better, she's desperate and Kanye is crazy..

  8. @hunter she has also "supposedly" bailed him out financially when his clothing line didn't do well and paid back his loans to Jay-z. So if that is true, she's waiting for him to get another hit or some cash flow before she bails. U know the K-trash's moves are always closely calculated!

  9. They are a brand now, kinda like posh n' becks. Kanye produced 'Daytona' by Pusha T winning plenty of rap album of the year polls, the talent is still there.

  10. OK, so... "Don't believe the hype?" But CDAN IS THE HYPE haha. A month or so ago she was secretly meeting with the lawyers to get rid of him.

  11. She must be hoping Drake's new security kills his bi-polar ass first.

  12. She could have met with the lawyers who gave her all her options. With Ye’s latest rant and the press about it- she may have pressed pause on any proceedings so she doesn’t look like the bad guy.

  13. @hothotheat

    yea I also recall Kanye has A LOT LESS money since he married kim. like he's lost a LOT. there was a blind I think mentioning how he cant afford to 'pay Jayz back $$'

  14. How many days to K-Free February?

  15. Kanye has plenty of money. He owes Jay Z nothing. His fashion line, at least the sneaker division, is selling.

    He overspends for sure and might lack ready cash, but Kanye isn't anywhere near broke.

    Again, he doesn't owe Jay Z a goddamn thing!

  16. Don't believe the hype?!?

    Didn't Enty start the hype? He's had multiple blinds in the past few months indicating Kim was getting ready to move on. Remember the conference call with her mom and all the lawyers he told us about?

    Too funny!

  17. Yes! This is the only site I saw that on but knew that it wasn't going to happen.
    Based on the podcast about Jay and Bey I actually wondered if Kim bought Kanye's catalog back but not told him? (Kanye)

  18. Kanye did not sell his catalogue. It's currently up on Spotify. If Jay owned the catalogue, don't you think he would have made it Tidal only?

  19. Yesterday in Khloe's insta story that Drake song came on (she was in the car) and she stopped recording abruptly. She still posted though because she looked cute I guess.

  20. My sister just woke up at 4am the other day to buy my 12 year old niece the new Yeezys. His sneaker line is doing just fine.

  21. Yep, there was a line waiting overnight for the new Yeezys here at the hip sneaker store.
