Monday, December 10, 2018

Blind Item #15

Many people die waiting for transplants. When you have a lot of money though, you can bypass those wait times multiple times. Do things under the table. I'm not sure why this particular celebrity is drawing attention to that fact. Does this celebrity want people to dislike them even more than they do?


  1. Sarah Hyland and her second kidney transplant

  2. Wow, you've really got a hate on for Sara Hyland.

    1. There’s a hate-on here for most celebrities.

      Not really sure which are actually liked.

  3. Money and influence giving some people an unfair advantage for the first time ever! Let's blame Sara Hyland!!!

  4. She's not taking from a donar list, these kidneys came from family members.

  5. Maybe Enty's implying the second kidney wasn't from her brother? Otherwise I can't make sense of this as she's just given an interview stating both kidneys are from family

  6. +++ 1000 Chaps

    Living donor donations are totally different.

  7. Kidney donation is totally different, especially with partial transplants or living donors. Enty is spouting complete bullshit on this one.

  8. I'm really tired of hearing the bashing on Sarah Hyland. Her father gave her his kidney and it ultimately failed. Now her brother gave her his and so far so good. This young woman has suffered greatly with very real very chronic health conditions that may ultimately take her life at a young age. I wouldn't wish that on anyone no matter what.

    Let's also note that during her first illness her boyfriend at the time basically took over her life in the front of helping her through her health crisis and abused and stalked her so bad she had to get a restraining order from him.

    What makes it harder is that I learned she lost weight due to her health condition and is constantly ragged about her weight. Just. So. Wrong.

    I see a young lady who is beautiful, successful, is blessed with a family that loves and supports her and is living life!

  9. As a kidney dialysis patient who is waiting for a kidney, I think once you get one you have a high duty to do anything to protect that gift. Doing stupid stuff that gets that kidney rejected, you should take your chances on a dialysis machine for life.

  10. yes, this one is a non-issue. Familiar donors do not override a transplant list. Her family members donated, there is a HUGE difference. The medical field will ALWAYS look to the family first to match someone for a possible transplant, as there is less chance of rejection and because there is not a wait list when its a family donor. Period.
    Yes it seems unfair to those that are waiting for a kidney possibly, but it simply is not unfair. I know several people who networked for their own donors, and as long as they found someone that was a match and willing to donate as a living donor, they also bypass the list.
    I do not know her back story, nor do i Care, but it does bother me when someone attacks with incorrect facts to inflame.
    This weekend a beautiful wife and mother and member of our police force was killed in a DUI caused by another, they kept her on life support 24 hours while looking for donors. the BIGGEST thing here, is EVERYONE should be an organ donor, even if it is only skin that is used, it is the biggest and best gift you can ever give someone.

  11. Damn. Wish I had the money to pay for my double lung transplant. I can’t even afford it right now WITH insurance. Ugh this stuff makes me so mad.

  12. Wow, back up to 15 blinds again, did somebody blow a goat or something?

    Alright, another speed round then.

  13. People are harvested for their organs all over the world everyday. No that wasn't a mistype or incorrect order. And you know damn well if it was to save your child or loved one you'd look the other way too.

  14. @Lyss the kidney was DONATED. She didn't buy it. And from a family member.

  15. Joining in as kidney recipient transplantee:
    Sarah Hyland's kidney(s) were from family members. Living donors / transplants go to the top of the list for an OR. Yes, she would loose weight going back on dialysis - part of that process is pulling off all the fluid weigh on one's body til you hit a "dry weight". I lost 20 pounds in the process when I began dialysis years ago.

    Now, if Enty knows of a organ for sale network and would like to expose them - no problems for this side of the peanut gallery.

  16. It's worded like this kidney didn't come from her brother. It's no big deal, this been going on and the rich just outright buying what they need..

  17. @bunny yeah I know but that doesn’t disregard the facts regarding the rest of the blind. You can buy organs on the black market and get the transplant under the table. I was just stating that sucks I’m not rich enough to buy lungs (not that I would cause that is one REAL EFFED UP practices”. I read the articles about her. Just another person waiting for a life saving surgery that gets pissed off about black market organ selling.

  18. This could also be Selena Gomez b/c her kidney came from a friend who donated her kidney last year.

  19. T he clue says "celebrity" -- isn't Sara Hyland an actual actress?

  20. Is it ironic that I'm watching Michael Bay's movie The Island?

  21. Sounds like what Dick Cheney did.

  22. Wow, family donors? Which has nothing to do with wealth or influence or dirty tricks? If this blind is about Sarah Hyland it is totally inappropriate and obnoxious. I wonder if it really does have to do with Sarah Hyland because who are these grools who supposedly dislike her and are now supposedly wont to dislike her even more ... for getting life-saving surgery and organs donated by her family members. Or is that just front-loading the fake hate so you can later "reveal" this blind after you've got the gullibles worked up into a frenzy?

    This is so grossly irresponsible and mean. No bacon for you!

  23. There are dirty influences in family donations too. I’m a nurse and have seen cases where the donor did not want to go through the surgery. All those donors said they were pressured by family members to go through with the surgery. A lot were siblings being forced by their parents to do it.

  24. This isn't a waiting list issue. Her brother wanted to donate the kidney so it's a bit unfair to hate her because of that.

  25. No problem her getting organs donated from relatives. That being said I suspect she released the news to counter the bad press she got about the whole cousin's funeral go fund me fiasco.

  26. Oh shut the fuck up you whiny assholes...all high and mighty all of a sudden. If you want tame gossip and sweet bullshit go over and read knee pads. You hypocrites ruin every good site. SHUT THE FUCK UP!

  27. You and Amazing Quotes can blow it out your big bouncy butts.

  28. Like David Rockefeller's 5 heart transplants? Lived to 300 yrs old! The elites can buy any body part they need. Preferably a young person's organs. Pure evil

  29. Kidney donations usually come from private donors..and they can fail in weeks. But when they do, you have no kidney in your body and have to move to filtering of kidneys. I get that. When your heart fails, you just get to die.

  30. I don't think this is Ms. Hyland. Is she a celebrity that is disliked? I don't think so. Who is disliked? Paris Hilton? Someone along those lines.

  31. Isn't Hyland described as an actress in a big show? I read this as a celebrity maybe someone who still did drugs afterwards.

  32. Late here, but Enty often makes blinds seem like someone else. Gets us arguing. Sarah likely would be called an actress. Maybe an unpopular celebrity that got put higher on a waiting list,maybe politics or media.

  33. I had to google her. Kinda bug eyed isn't she? Anyway, if she got it from her brother is the blind implying that was a lie and she got a black market kidney? Maybe from a third world country where poor people sell them then get deathly ill and can no longer work? Yeah. I'm not buying it. Just sounds ridiculous.

    If it's someone else I dunno who. Selena Gomez?

    You know, I hate how people make guesses here then everyone is like"OOOOH NOOOO! NOT CELEBRITY X! I HATE THEM NOW!"

    Seriously, some comments on an entertainment purposes only gossip site are enough to totally steer your opinion on people?

    I'm kinda reminded of Serial Experiments Lain here. It might have been made in 1999. But damn did it get a lot right about the internet's influence on people's minds. Collective consciousness didn't die with early man. it was reborn on the internet.

  34. @Humor Me Go to UAE and look the other way then. Not to make light of your life and death struggle, however not all Live Donations are from family members. There is a very active black market for Live Organs, not all of them are donated and they re available for a price. This has been going on Internationally for some time now.

    Free phones, micro-financing and organ donations

  35. Anonymous7:56 AM

    I would donate a kidney right now if someone would pay me a few hundred grand. No doubt about it. I wish that were legal. I don't care that it's not but it would be far easier if it was.
