Thursday, December 20, 2018

Blind Item #13

This former A+ list mostly movie actor is more of an A- list actor/director now and is a celebrity offspring. Anyway, our not so nice actor lived up to his reputation by just going off on a waitress this past week who got his order wrong. The actor had four or five substitutions and one of the things he called her was a f**king idiot.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Ben Stiller. Step away from the duck!

  3. Ben Stiller. Clooney isn't celebrity offspring ( in enty world), Douglas isn't known to be an asshole in public and Nick cage LOVES waitresses.

  4. Is f**cking idiot" a clue?

  5. My pet peeve. Being shitty to waiters...

  6. This is 100% Ben Stiller

    so glad his ex-wife Christine divorced him. I recall one heinous blind in particular where he controlled her food intake and verbally abused her for eating. Fucked up guy.

  7. If there’s one thing I’ve learned in life: never be rude to people handling your food. My god, man, you’re just asking for the sneeze muffin!

  8. I hope the waitress spat in his food. It is not wise to upset a waitress. Not smart.

  9. I used to live in Montecito and Michael Douglas was known for being nice.

  10. Chef's special sauce. 100% organic and gluten free.

  11. Waiting tables is tough enough, having some pretentious assclown act up is completely uncalled for. Restaurant Mgmt must be pussywhipped by celebs. Fk that.

  12. No way it's Clooney. Stiller is known for being a dick to the little people. Ironic, since he's about 5'4".

  13. Everyone should have to be a server just once in their life.

  14. We all can have a bad moment right? Total short guy douche behavior at any rate.

  15. The people you step on on the way up are the people waiting to shiv you on your descent. Couldn't happen to a shittier human being.

  16. I said it before and I'll say it again, Ben stiller is the biggest asshole in LALA Land... ego is way too big. Go away old has been. Boy bye

  17. Anonymous4:51 PM

    I think it’s Jonah hill bc of his new movie he directed

  18. Whoever it is, I hope he liked the spitball mixed in with whatever was finally delivered to his table.

  19. I worked in restraunts as a teen. Always be nice. Those who weren't ... well, you WERE paid back

  20. Anonymous6:38 PM

    I just watch3d the friends episode where he is dating one of the girls on the show and every time she isn’t looking, he is screaming at someone or belittling them. The blind just reminded me of his character.

  21. I heard Ben Stiller is a jerk.

  22. Ben Stiller looks like a rat.

  23. @Michief Girl
    Haha....I have heard the horror stories of what they do to returned food. Much worse than spitballs.

  24. Stiller. Friend had to work with him on something and loathes Stiller due to his assholery. Needs a take-down. Personally I loath Jonah Hill too. Could totally be him except for the celebrity parents. Wording in clue as "celebrity offspring" implies both parents.

  25. And Stiller's parents were supposedly such nice people.

  26. Surprised if it’s Ben Stiller. He filmed a movie here and we ran into him in a bar and he couldn’t have been nicer. Talked to us for a good half hour.

  27. Nick Cage and Clooney would be celebrity "families" as it is Aunts/Uncles etc with most fame. Stiller fits and his so-called perfectionism in blinds about controlling his wife's weight seem to fit this kind of behavior.

    I would never DREAM of being awful at waitstaff. yes of course because it is a dick maneuver but mostly because they CONTROL YOUR FOOD, butt-wad! They can drop it on the floor and 'substitute' their spit for your salad dressing. What a moron! Joke was probably on HIM.

  28. What a fucking idiot. His meal would have been in his lap had I been her. Also - his movies fucking suck.

  29. Anonymous4:39 AM

    OK that's my pet peeve. Don't even get me started. Please Enty, don't even go there.



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