Friday, December 14, 2018

Blind Item #13

This three named permanent A- list actress refused to pose at recent on event on the carpet because they had the photographers positioned in a place she didn't think would make her look her best. 


  1. Probably her although shes only a Permanent A list horseface.

  2. Anonymous11:47 AM

    SJP doesn't walk the red carpet. She gallops

  3. Perhaps if they made it look more like a paddock she'd have been more comfortable?

  4. I don't know, there's a spectrum between an actress looking her best and looking like sh!t. If the photographers were too close to the bad end of the spectrum I could see their point.

    Really guys, really? I mean I thought they only brought her out for parades now?

  5. That eyeliner.... That's something she could do something about.

    1. Omg...I swear her makeup artist hates her. The eyeliner is horrendous.

  6. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Was the event the Kentucky Derby?

  7. Was the sun out? Doesn't the sun melt like the Indiana Jones scene.

  8. Wow. Y'all are mean, but ummmm, yes. 😉😜😄😂

  9. She prefers the angle of the photo-finish camera.

  10. Not sure ANY angle could make SJP look not ugly. She’s ugly on the inside too!

  11. No angle is good for her at all..

  12. +1 eg56, never heard that one before hahaha

  13. You couldn't pay me enough to horse around with SJP.

  14. If you google "Sarah Jessica Parker horse face" you'll get some crudely photo shopped images of her face superimposed on a horse.

    That eyeliner.... That's something she could do something about.

    @ Jennifer - SJP has smallish eyes and I think she believes that the black sharpie makes them POP.

  15. SJP blinds have the best comments.

  16. Great, now i have the theme song to Mr.Ed stuck in my head...

    "A horse is a horse, of course, of course"
    "And no one can talk to a horse of course"

  17. my aunt is a not so recently deceased former tween/teen A-/B/C? television actress with a spin off show of an older popular show. my mom (her older sister) was on set as guardian for the latter years of her adolescence. one actor hit on my mom when she was there with me as an infant and couple years later named a daughter a middle name that is my first name. <3

  18. @Skeptic Dog, great blind. Off to google...

  19. oh heck was just tryna tell Enty - Lemmeno what you come up with!!

  20. Jenni, no, they really don't. And the horse comments are tired, unoriginal, witless and lazy.

  21. She needs to give up. The photogs who are trying to take her photo need to give up, too. Horses are beautiful creations of God. But humans who look like horses...

    I think that even God clears his throat and then laughs at SJP. How did she ever become a star? Seriously, what casting director wants this creature on his couch? The man who she's married to is prettier than her. How sad!



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