Monday, December 17, 2018

Blind Item #12

This foreign born former A+ list mostly movie actor has been in this space multiple times to talk about the horrible way he has treated his family through the years. Now, it appears as if the actor who is now A- list in this country is involved with a woman who might be 18, but could be as young as 15. The thing is though, no one will be able to prove she isn't 18 because no one is ever going to know her name or get a chance to talk to her. She was provided as a "gift," from an oligarch in a neighboring country who also recently threw a party for someone who has been around on here forever and was told the story by the oligarch because she is from the same country as the actor.


  1. I would go with Jackie Chan. I can't picture Depardieu A list still in the US.

  2. I do not think Depardieu can even function. He reminds me of Marlon Brando

  3. If Chan then it’s probably Bai Ling

  4. It's probably Jackie. He has issues with a daughter of his.

  5. Have I missed something recent on Jackie Chan?

  6. I thought Jackie Chan won't talk to his daughter. He considers her being a lesbian a sexual pervert. And if it's him, having a minor isn't a sexual pervert?

  7. Someone gifted a child to an adult as some kind of slave? Enty why aren't you telling this to the Authorities instead of us? Please tell me you have helped some how.

  8. Good point, Mahogany1.

  9. I actually read this as Steven Seagal. His daughter was on a show talking about how he has never been nice to her or any of her siblings, and that actually most of them are scared of her.

  10. scared of him***

  11. What happens to her when he's done with her?

  12. Oligarch screams Russia, Steven Seagal.

  13. Seagal isn't foreign born.

  14. dammit i seriously always miss that part. it fits him so well

  15. Jackie Chan is higher than A- here even by Enty standards. Also Seagal is from Michigan.

  16. You all know Enty has stated several times that he does inform authorities about this kind of stuff in addition to posting it here. Especially if there is an underage victim.

  17. i hear Jackie Chan disowned his kid because they were gay

  18. Someone from Eastern Europe, oligarch is normally used for Russians
