Friday, December 07, 2018

Blind Item #11

She doesn't want children. I don't care what her publicist's talking points are or what kind of throwaway line she utters, this permanent A list mostly television actress from an iconic show is not having kids. She does however enjoy being on magazine covers and the news it generates. She knows it does. Stop. 


  1. This answer is always Aniston and isnt she 49 or 50 by now?

    1. still on time to be a mum thanks to medical tech

    2. Theres an article where Aniston talks about her divorces and it mentioned that she hasn't ruled out the idea of having children. Whats her name from the Rocky movie just gave birth and shes like 60. She could adopt.

  2. I don't want kids either, they look like a tremendous amount of work and you never hear silence again.

    1. This is very true! Whats silence? I forgot. Also they are very expensive.

  3. Those lines at Disney are a bitch! 😜

  4. The amazing part is they keep asking her about having children. Isn’t she like 50?? When do they stop asking that?

    1. Never. I had my tubes tied when was 39. When people ask about kids I tell them I didn't have any and my tubes are tied. The reply was always ' you can have that undone y'know'.

  5. Jennifer Anniston

  6. Anonymous11:40 AM

    @hunter, you are correct lol

  7. Stop what Enty, Aniston is 49, soon to be 50 years old? Everyone, but you, knows she's not having kids now. And honestly from a person who can't have kids, its rude for anyone to ask that or speculate! I guess there are no more good blinds, so you'll keep recycling the same ones.

  8. This was the real reason Brad Pitt left her. He wanted kids.

  9. @Frankie: Wrong. He left her for AngieHo. JA always wanted kids and they even had a nursery in their house. She has had several miscarriages. She & Brad could’ve adopted, had he not run off with the Ho.

    She doesn’t want kids now, because who wants to be a single mom at 50?

  10. At this point if Jen A. keeps talking about kids people will think she is younger than she is. She isn't going to birth no dust babies now. She isn't going to adopt, she likes her dogs, her pot, her chicken salad and her beach houses. That's all!

  11. @kfitz - ha thanks - yeah my ex-bf has confirmed I would hate the domestic life with children (he's married with two).

    People love to tell me I "still have time" which is annoying AF.

    As it happens, I do have ELEVEN children from egg donation because I like to get paid yo and yes (insert smug face) my genes were very popular on the Mommy Market.

    They just pulled out a freezer baby this year (the 11th) so who knows, there could still be more down the pike.

  12. As the mother of 3 children, whom I went through a LOT in order to adopt and I love more than life itself, parenthood is a tremendous responsibility. Now that they are teenagers, it has become a bit easier in terms of the day to day, but now I have bigger things to worry about - dating, drinking, drugs, college, cars,etc... There are some days I still wonder if I am cut out for it all and there have been many days where I just wanted to run away from it all. Of course, I never would. I couldn't live without them, nor them without me. But that said, even if you want children more than anything else in the world, it is still the toughest job you will ever have. And if you aren't sure about it, or are thinking of doing it to make someone else happy, or just something you are "supposed" to do, then I say DON'T do it! It wouldn't be fair to you or them. And to me, there is no harm or shame in that. Not everyone should be nor needs to be a parent.

  13. Well said, IceAngel.

  14. Married at 18, delivered at 20, tubal ligation at 23. I didn't need to be a mother.

  15. I don’t blame her it’s a huge deal. Your schedule is no longer the schedule..It changes with children, they are first and it’s suppose to be that way., They can’t do nothing for themselves...

  16. Rachael Greene made millions off the spurned woman, childless, abandoned schtick.
    Here's a funny take on her fans by The Onion

  17. @AquaGirl WRONG. Brad left precisely because Angelina wanted a bunch of kids just like he did. JA is a rich white woman in the U.S. She has exactly as many children as she wants.

  18. My take was always that St Ange seduced Braddy Boy 1. With promises of global service and "making a difference (he publicly stated that he'd just had an epiphany about his empty life listenig to Bono at a dinner party, forget that his life was empty because he was a major pothead lying around all day on uncomfortable, archetectural furnitre), 2. Promises of children by pushing Maddox on him at every turn, and 3) Of course promises of mindblowing sex.

    Nothing is more seductive than the promise of a sense of purpose. Even with nations.

  19. She can afford a surrogate and nannies and boarding school, it wouldn't be a big obligation on her part if she wanted them.

  20. Brad left Jennifer for Jolie, because Jolie portrayed herself as both a Madonna and a Whore, all rolled into one seductive package.

  21. I mean clearly written about Aniston, but at this point isn’t she more A/movies than A/tv? I actually like the darker movies she does, I think she’s a really decent dramatic actress. Don’t care for the fluffy rom-coma.

    Wonder if Enty will ever do a deep dive on her.

    Oh and I’m sure most women tire of the “when are you having babies?” questions, I know I find it irritating AF. My uterus, my business.

  22. People seem to be forgetting that she isn't a normal 50 year old woman. Yes, she can't have kids anymore naturally, but we don't know, she might have frozen her eggs a long time ago. Or she could adopt or get a surrogate. I agree with everyone that if she wanted kids she would have them, but let's not act like it's impossible lol

  23. I don't think she ever wanted kids and judt gave Brad lip service. Its not for everyone. Love the wee ones but dislike today's Teens.

  24. <3 Ice Angel that was something to think about.

  25. Being a mom is EXHAUSTING.
    My son & I celebrated our first adoption day today, Dec 7th. He's the very best thing I've ever not planned on and I'm 46.

    I love you My dear son

    1. It is exhausting but when my son is away I miss him dearly. He still gives me hugs and I will dread the day when that stops. Happy Birthday to your son.

  26. @hothotheat, beat you by 10 years. Tubes tied at 29, no regrets.

  27. She's never really implied that she's craving kids, nor have I heard a publicist state that. If anything, she shies away from the question. I mean, she probably wants to scream a lesson on the biological clock, plus the failure rate of IVF to dumb media.

  28. Well, yeah, she's already said she's not into it, at recently as a few months ago. This is neither news nor gossip.

  29. It is so not my business if she wants kids, doesn't want kids. When I saw her this week on a magazine cover still talking about kids i just thought "OHMYGOD I can't believe they are even having this conversation at her age". When it comes down to it, does anyone really care?


  30. cheated on Aniston with Jolie then cheated on Jolie with Cotillard

    Brad you piece of shit

  31. Anonymous7:41 PM

    I assume that Aniston pays for these pregnancy headlines.
    They are so boring. The only way you would be this dull Enty is if you are paid for it.

  32. @hunter you are so correct you said perfectly

  33. @iceangel could not have said better I am a single parent who adopted
