Monday, December 17, 2018

Blind Item #11

Much earlier this year I told you about the former one year wonder who slept with a producer to land an acting job. It cost her a relationship, but fame is where her heart is. Apparently though, there is some drama right now because she slept with another producer for yet another role and the first producer was under the impression he and the one year wonder were exclusive. So, if you see her suddenly written out of the first gig, now you will know why.


  1. What's the gig Tricia? Model Squad?

  2. If it is Olivia Culpo, she never fit in that Model show to begin with.

  3. ha ha. A couch too far.

  4. Never trust a woman who doesn't trust her man.
    Gibbs Rules

  5. Well producer number one is just being dumb, why would he think he is special to a couch climber?

  6. J said...

    ha ha. A couch too far.

    i read that out loud in a british accent
