Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Blind Item #10

"Found out why he wasn't calling me back after sleepily browsing your website one night. He was to be back in LA after Paris and another stint of rehab. A week before he had facetimed me, he was smiling, said I looked great, apologized for some things, blew me kisses and said he would be home soon. Knowing instantly that a blind was about him-heart crushed for sure. He's been in and out of rehab since he was a teen, in school I was literally his only friend and he dropped out before we all graduated. I'm still wondering if it's mostly for show, he wants to be famous like everyone else in this town. But him with her means that he's not well. They either met in rehab (his parents have money and his clothing brand mildly successful) or I suspect he was introduced by Kanye's team-PR vibes? He also hangs with C. Love. Honestly, it's made me cry because I expect him to die and I love the boy. Give it three months and notice the lack of any daytime photographs."

Celebrity who hangs out/hooks up a lot with the former tweener turned A- list adult singer.


  1. Sounds like Henry Levy to me.

  2. I can see I read the last line wrong. I thought the celebrity wrote this and hung out with the tweener. Good job.

  3. i'm not a huge AA fan, but they are right about one thing----they advise strongly against getting involved with another recovering addict, (like one you meet in rehab), especially when you're newly sober. it's a recipe for disaster almost every single time. this won't end well.

  4. Henry Levy / Demi Lavoto. I wonder which blind they are referring to?

  5. 100% agree Nancer my mom's BFF was newly sober with AA doing awesome and she goes and hooks up with a guy in AA when we begged her not to. It was too soon. She was all in lurve and he was the "one". Well he dumped her a month later and she was right back on the bottle. Fucking heartbreaking seeing her going down the tubes again one drink at a time.

    I'm sure the person in the blind cares about the celebrity but ultimately they are another enabler. He/She needs to walk away.

  6. Wow V, I just read that article and he seems very problematic.

  7. Demi and her new boy toy,because he’s suppose to be her sober coach..
    Bad for the both of them

  8. Here's the blind that's referenced

  9. Gee Nancer, seems like you’ve never had anyone benefit from AA! Not the program’s fault if the addict doesn’t benefit! Do us all a favor and keep your stupidness anonymous!

  10. Relax MamaBear. There could be lots of reasons why they are not a fan. I'm not a fan either but kudos to the people I know it has worked for. Doesn't mean I hate the entire organization.

  11. What the hell does "heart crushed for sure" mean? Does that mean they have a crush on him or are broken hearted? This sounds like a 15 year old wrote it.

  12. This blind is written poorly. I thought it was the beer lunch but nope

  13. Nope don't give a sh!t, let me know when she has a real girlfriend.

  14. Yo that kid Henry Levy is a straight up bitch and he deserves to OD and die.
    Check out how he responded on Instagram when the punk band Kill Your Idols called his brand out for using their name on one of his jackets...

    "Ur such a pussy. Look how much I control your emotions that u made a whole post about my work. Little Bitch ass Punk police. I will rape and exploit and pillage whatever I want and I will sell it for thousands while u sit here and just feed me more attention. Know your place u stupid fuck,"
