Saturday, December 01, 2018

Blind Item #1

This one named north of the border talks a lot of talk but when it comes down to it, she is a bully and only interested in herself and what she can get from anyone who comes into her life. Makes the whole dating the rich narcissist thing understandable when it appeared to go against everything in her life. 


  1. Too early for a Saturday Morning?

    I have no clue.

    Just first for once!

  2. All I have is Canada as "north of the border".

  3. Hipster is actually a money-grabbing poser? you don't say! not too keen on the new record either.

  4. So...we’re believing Grimes is a bully because a couple (Poppy and Titanic Sinclair) who abused, gaslighted, plagiarised and stalked another artist say so? Ok then.

  5. Grimes is Canadian

  6. met grimes before she was famous.

    her voice has always sounded like a warped baby. she's always been insufferable.

  7. Grimes is her real name? I always thought it was her second name.

  8. Hold on Enty, what happened to her being terrorized and being practically imprisoned by Musk who also turned her into a raging junkie and may have had her committed?

  9. Now THERE'S the important question, sandy!

    And how does the bullying fit in?

  10. Showing my age as my first thought was “Jewel” but after a quick google, yeah seems to be Grimes.

  11. Who the F is “grimes”?

  12. I just want to say Celine Dion because her non gender satanic clothing line for kids is the lowest of low despicable disgusting thing ever

  13. I guess we’re meant to be forgetting about that, just like we’re meant to be forgetting that Enty said Musk would be fired as CEO or put on leave and forced into rehab two months ago at the absolute latest. Or that Enty said the test tunnel Musk was digging, the one there’s thousands of videos and pictures of, didn’t exist. Or, my personal favourite, the time he said that Grimes and Musk weren’t really together and the whole Azealia Banks drama was orchestrated to make them look like a real couple (because obviously having Azealia Banks go postal on you is the way to do that).

  14. Easy blind from Poppy saying Grimes bullied her behind the scenes of the song they did together.

  15. Anonymous6:16 AM

    lol same tatty
