Monday, November 12, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #7

November 6, 2018

The relationship of this foreign born former A+ list boy bander has cracked with this former band mates because of his drug use and the way he has treated them because of it. He likes to make it seem like it is just a difference of opinions and not that he is an addict who is annoying to be near when he is high or wanting to get high.

Zayn Malik



  2. Wasn't that amazing, Brayson87?

    Being a prominent Muslim pop star was basically what was keeping Zayn afloat.

    His manager quit in March and has never been replaced. This is the kind of thing a good manager ensures is deleted from a printed interview.

  3. @Nutty, Yeah it's not quite the same thing as saying you're not really that much of a Catholic, a lot of people take it very seriously.

  4. Yes, leaving Islam or even doubting its tenets is considered apostasy, and according to some scholars is an act of treason punishable by death.

    Fortunately, Zayn seems to rarely leave his home. That cuts the odds that anyone will be able to find him and carry out the penalty.

  5. Good for Zayn. Hopefully he's not going to be attacked because he's left that toxicity.

  6. its best not to say it loud. Very fee muslims are not that religious, but they dont shout it out

  7. So is this the last blind today? No Today’s blind item?

  8. Enty got a tip that Meghan Markle was going to be on Real Housewives next season when she gets tossed out of the UK.

    He's busy contacting his sources, trying to run down which city of Real Housewives it will be.

  9. Is Zayn still with Gigi? I'm obviously behind the times with my gossip!

  10. Anonymous1:43 PM

    I wonder if there is a fatwa out on him now if he has renounced his Muslim faith? He's dead of that if not of drugs first.

  11. @shaddup
    Yeah what's up with that? Kind of an abrupt end to the day.

  12. holiday and weekend scheduling today.

  13. According to Enty's podcast, which is worth the $5 a month, Zayn and Gigi are just good friends. Gigi attends lots of parties and never seems to indicate that she has a boyfriend.

    Anyway, now Zayn has another excuse not to perform live. Anxiety, fatwa, low music sales - he can take his pick.

  14. Meh....Islam shouldn't worry. They might have lost Zayn, but they're so so so, ever so lucky to have gained that brilliant mind that is Sinead O'Connor...


    Ireland Baldwin is quoted in today's N Y Post newspaper as saying she was prevented from returning to her home in Malibu because she didn't have required ID on her. She added that her mother (Kim Basinger) and 'her partner' lost their home to the flames. Who is Kim's partner? Anyone know? Sorry she lost her home. Sorry for everyone.

  16. So they have a problem with the guy who spent millions making them famous (cowell)and are now knifing the one really talented singer in the group? jeez these brats come across as entitled jerks. BTW didn't one of them get papped on the Geffen yacht a few months back?
