Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #5

November 20, 2018

The foreign born A- list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee does realize she is dating a serial cheater disguised as an actor right? I mean, he will literally hit on any woman who shows the slightest interest in him. I hope she doesn't think he can be faithful for longer than a few days at a time.

Naomi Watts/Billy Crudup


  1. Never much cared for Watts.

  2. It wasn't Lupita and Michael B Jordan?😬 Or are you saving that answer for the next time you reveal this BI? 😜

  3. @sandy I'm against Lupita & Michael as a couple because the Earth isn't ready for a child that beautiful should they choose to procreate

  4. Hehe Ophelia (plus you want him for yourself I bet!)

  5. Just a crazy random happenstance, Sandy, I sear!

  6. Poor naomi watts, I like here... Cruddup is just (wait for it) cruddy.

  7. If you trust Billy - a dude who left his long-time pregnant girlfriend Mary-Louise Parker for Claire Danes - for half a second, you kind of get what you deserve.

  8. Crudup used to be handsome. Now he’s just creepy looking.

  9. Women love assholes. Good for him.

  10. Even prominent Australian actresses really seem to take the low road when it comes to gaining fame (even when they already have it).

  11. WTF are you on about???

  12. @Ophelia, sometimes good looking parents make ugly kids. A guy in my high school was the spitting image of Barry Manilow. His parents were very attractive. Now, on the flip side, one of my neighbors has 3 really cute kids. The dad is a troll and the mom was a big, loud, obnoxious visually unappealing hippo.
