Saturday, November 24, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #5

November 17, 2018

The recent subject of a deep dive who used to be an A- list dual threat actress is going out a lot more than she has in years even if it is just hanging out with people after an AA meeting. She is not necessarily engaging with them, but is at least saying yes when they ask if she wants to go out.

Amanda Bynes


  1. Speaking of deep dives,

    Am I THE ONLY ONE who is upset Enty has referenced in blinds the Esquire article, which is pretty clear now was a total sham.

    Sometimes I just want to stop reading, all horror with zero consequences.

  2. Also, go fuck your botself @AmazingQuotes

    1. Also, the same to you @notthisagain

    2. +1 notthisagain. Fucking hate AQbot.

    3. Wow, that piece of shit loser troll can speak??

      Does this mean he/she can choke on his/her own vomit and die now???

      The world waits, and wonders...

  3. Good for her if its just socializing and having a normal life AFTER a AA meeting. Seems like this girl has been put through hell and on top of it battling a mental illness. Rooting for her!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Fuck the fuck off. Nobody wants to see this shit.

  5. @notthisagain - I think the fact it has not come out speaks to the power and corruption of invested parties and should not be a reflection of Enty or his website.

    This seems obvious to me, how is it not obvious to you?

    I don't mean to be a dick but sometimes I feel like I'm just smarter than everyone else.

  6. WHOA AMAZING QUOTES IS SENTIENT. Kinda honored you told me to fuck off!

  7. @Hunter

    No I get it, and you are right Hunter, it’s not Enty’s’s been hard hearing that it could be the end of Singer and then, nothing. I’m mad thinking how he’s gonna keep getting jobs

  8. Amazing Quotes cracked! Now go fuck off, will ya?

  9. Amanda, keep pushing forward and don’t let the assholes get you down. You got this! 💞

  10. Bloody hell Hunter, you're not lacking modesty, are you?

    Also, don't let the haters win, Amazing Quotes! I'm rooting for you!

    ...I'm joking, by the way. Just in case anyone wanted to get their balls in a twist.

    But honestly that is shitty that Amanda is building her social circle with AA members once the meetings end. I know a couple of people who slipped because of this. A lot of people that go to these groups are not sober and are terrible influences as a result.

  11. OMG I can't believe Amazing Quotes is sentient, this is truly a moment for us, like a shooting star!

    Orange Soda - well seriously, it's a ridiculous concept so if the only explanation is that I am smarter than the people complaining about it well I'm not the one who made that logic (I am though).

    The problem is people conflate their FEELINGS about information with whether or not it is true and whether or not it needs to be viewed by everybody immediately.

    I can't help it if I'm more rational and perceptive than knee-jerk reactors.

  12. Orange Soda - I entirely disagree. The AA community in LA is very strong and the after-meeting coffee crowd is the people to hang with if you want to "stick with the winners" and stay sober.

    It is a good thing, not a bad thing, and I consider myself an expert in the topic. Go Amanda go!! Make some trustworthy friends but watch your back and stick with the ladies, probably the uglier ones will be more loyal.

    Don't shoot the messenger.

    1. Ha ha haha
      Hahahahaha ha haha hahaha
      "prob the uglier ones will be more loyal"
      You ain't never lied bout that

      Also. I'd like to take this time to mention, every time I've shown how much smarter I am than most (fuck you J) I get eviscerated. OK not every time, but some times.

      Girl you can say that ANY TIME, more women should know their worth around here

  13. @notthisagain - I agree with you.

    As a woman it has truly seemed, despite the Matt Lauer and Harvey Weinstein takedowns, that nothing is ever truly going to change.

    Even yesterday's blind about all the lawyers around that new project and the taping and witnesses to prevent the ACTRESSES from trying to casting couch their way to a role - the plot twists both ways, it's a cesspool and the kiddie angle kills me, I seriously think about Farrah Abraham charging extra for her daughter because I'm a realist and it sicks me out.

    So for this sad reason I stop fighting and let the reality wash over me as I realize how corrupted everything really is.

  14. Look Amanda deserves all the help and support she gets but it all starts with her. Weve also had BIs here that say shes using again, so believe what you want.

    The rumors of the Esquire article started with Singer and Enty ran with it. There was never any confirmation of this article by an author or by Esquire. If there was one, we would have leaked excerpts long before it actually hit newsstands to drum up interest.

    1. +1 Sandybrook

      Is it possible that this was staged/planted by Bryan Singer? He "pre-emptively" says an article is coming out about him which will be a rehashing a bunch of untruths. Then the article never comes and it looks like Singer "won" something by striking first. So, even though it was never gonna happen, it appears to give him and his story some credibilty.

      Maybe Bryan Singer learned this tactic from Enty.

  15. Ha ha ha Amazing Quotes. It has spoken.

  16. I wonder what insipid troll who tries to be funny 5 or 6 times per thread ever since his debut here in January and fails miserably is Amazing Quotes?? Not to mention his amazing copy and paste skills under a variety of alt names, his links to youtube stuff and his non-existant knowledge of anything that is a topic here on CDaN? Anyone want to wager a guess as to who I'm speaking of? Ive unmasked this loser before, if youve paid attention.

  17. Holy shit, Amazing Quotes actually saying something just made my fucking year. This is bigger than any of Enty's blinds. Seriously. This is like when someone stands in a store window like a mannequin and when you get close, they grab you.

  18. Folks it is obvious that Amazing Quotes is actually Skynet becoming self aware, also obvious is that ( He'll be back !) to post the same old same old later.

  19. I think he posted it to gain sympathy from his peers in Hollywood, that he was a victim of a witch hunt and being treated unfairly. I dont know if he got the sympathetic responses he was looking for though. I dont do twitter.

  20. Amazing Quotes swearing back is like that Office episode where Jim gets Dwight to believe his computer has become self aware!

  21. Wishing Amanda well. I've been sober just 26 yrs now - on 11/9. Most of those years I was very unhappy-didn't want to drink but was so depressed and very anxious. Got sober and didn't really change. It was hard to push myself to hang out with other people. I look very put together so people didn't ask me a lot-they thought I'd say no. I'm just trying now and it really helps to have support. After the meetings is when the real work begins. Especially women hanging with women- no mixing.
    I bet it's hard for her to trust people and rightly so. Also -Battling alcoholism with schizophrenia and whatever other illness she has is inconceivable to me. I wish her the best. AA isn't for everyone. Hope she tries another program if she's not comfortable in AA. "Refugee Recovery" is in L.A. and it's Buddhist Based. I'd go there in a heartbeat but it's not near me. Or Smart Recovery too.

  22. It's good to see Amanda doing better.

    Wow, Amazing Quotes isn't a bot. Hi Amazing Quotes! ^__^

  23. Amazing quotes probably gets paid per post. He/she may starve to death if not for the pitance these posts bring in.

  24. Hahaha! Love that office episode and love the amazing quotes got all mouthy.

  25. Thank you Rosie!!!

  26. You guys should have known he was sentient when he replied with a positive tone on the happy blind

  27. So glad she is getting better! That poor girl has been through a load

  28. Perhaps @Amazing Quotes is like that Ai bot Tayspeaks? If so, let's turn it into a demented potty mouth.

    @Amazing Quotes, do you like jizz to be in your ass, mouth or face? We really want to know.

  29. As a several years lurker with little desire to comment, I must say: I'm sorry for Boo's passing, I enjoyed her inputs.

    Wow!!! Amazing Quotes you made my day!!!
