Thursday, November 01, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #3

October 25, 2018

This former A- list mostly television actor quit his job because he thought he was going to be a huge movie star. He might be, but it isn't going to be from his new role which he thought was a sure Oscar winner.

Rami Malek


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. He got good reviews, so maybe he will get roles. Variety is estimating an opening weekend of $35million for the movie.

  3. Friends of mine were at a screening earlier this week and said Rami isn't even that good--you never stop seeing him "acting." And his lip-synching is obvious and becomes absurdist very quickly. They said Lady Gaga in SIB was much better.

    I will probably see this a few weeks down the line, probably pay to see something else and sneak in. Bryan Singer is not getting my money, that I can promise you.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Esquire, DROP THE ARTICLE.

  6. And the Academy Award for eating an apple through a tennis raquet goes to...

  7. Malek signed up for Bohemian Rhapsody with Bryan Singer already signed on to direct. He knew EXACTLY who he was signing up to work for, but he didnt have a problem with it, because Malek saw this as his chance for some sweet sweet award noms.

    fuck you, Malek, you selfish scumbag.

  8. Deadline predicting $40m+. Dude these jukebox musicals make bank.

  9. He's not a movie star. This was a mistake.

  10. @longtimereader

    Queen has a HUGE fanbase. I never thought this movie wouldn't make anything but a shitload of money. The thing about Queen's fanbase is it is multigenerational, so you aren't just getting original Queen fans in the seats that are people who were present when they were popular. you're getting all sorts of ages in there. Plus Malek's standom.

    and of course, none of them give a damn enough about Bryan Singer raping little kids, cause they 'love queen and want to support queen!' or 'love malek and want to support malek!' (a good enough excuse for them)

    I dont have a problem with people paying for another movie's ticket and then sneaking in to see bohemian rhapsody if they really just Have to see it. but seriously, dont line bryan singers pockets. this movie's success = BRYAN SINGER'S success.

  11. No, the majority of Queen fans are probably not aware of Bryan Singer's paedophilia. Not everyone posts on celebrity gossip blogs or even uses the internet that much. So it's not a case of they "don't give a damn." They most likely don't know. Until a couple of years ago, I had never heard of Bryan Singer because I really wasn't that interested in Hollywood. I've seen some of his films. It wasn't because I "didn't give a damn" that he was a paedophile. I didn't know. I didn't even know who Harvey Weinstein was until the news broke about him screwing actresses in exchange for roles.

    Some of you generalise people you haven't met because your entire lives revolve around the internet and Hollywood gossip. What might be obvious to you because of the time you've sunk into gossip blogs and youtube videos over the years won't be apparent to those who spend their time differently.

  12. I will just watch Halloween again! What an awesome movie!

  13. It's always funny when people make a deal with the devil then are surprised when they get the short end of the pitchfork. Maybe he should try teaming up with Kevin Spacey next film, Rami looks like his type.

  14. @VikingSong: So I just called two old friends of mine from h.s. who never left Pennsylvania but we all rocked out together back in the day and reacquainted via FB in the last decade or so. Not really moviegoing people, but they plan on seeing the Queen movie. They know who Bryan Singer is, sort of, neither knew he directed this, one didn't even know about the worst allegations. I would agree all the focus from the media is on Rami, not Singer, and all the reviews I've read have skirted around the more damning gossip about Singer, if at all, noting he got fired from the film and little more.

    I'm so cynical nowadays that I think it's possible the reason Esquire is holding the story is so the movie can get a big opening weekend for Fox, which, in return, is going to buy a huge flight of full-color two-page and gatefold movie ads in the struggling mag for the next two years, as well as exclusive media access to whatever the next two summers' tentpole films from Fox are. Could happen, you know it's true.

  15. As other people mentioned in comments to the original blind, Rami Malek didn't "quit his job." All decisions on Mr. Robot are made by its creator, Sam Esmail. Years ago, Esmail talked about a four or five year plan for the show, and there's no reason to assume that Malek forced his hand. Besides, a season of 10 or 13 episodes never prevented anybody to do film the rest of the year.

  16. @Angela

    Yes, it was meant to go 5 seasons. Malek’s decision made them do just season 4 with more episodes. Malek was even quoted about the 5 season thing from the begging.

  17. I know this is mean but the dude is just ugly. He is hard to look at, and no movie star.

    1. +10000 I think he is so fugly 😱 👹👺

  18. Miss Kitty Meow: Not mean at all. Just calling it like you see it.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. @miss meow

    I agree with boo. dont feel bad calling it like u see it. being honest is good

  21. @notthisagain
    We have no idea, apart from what this blog claims, that it was Malek's decision. Also, he doesn't have a ton of offers that would justify him to leave a show when he just had one more season before it would be over.

    But the only thing that matters is the ratings. The average ratings for season 1 were 1.39 m viewers in the U.S. For season 2, they were 0.74. For season 3, they were 0.53. Meanwhile, another USA Network show such as Suits still consistently gets more than 1 m viewers while it's in its 8th season. The ratings for Mr. Robot are lower than the ones for Colony, which was canceled in August due to low ratings. Colony actually got 0.66 m viewers for season 3...

    So, you can clearly see that it made no financial sense for USA Network to even keep Mr. Robot on the air. They're allowing the show to return because it's brought them cachet and edginess to them, while they had a reputation for lightweight stuff until then. Now, they're the network that airs The Purge or The Sinner and that is a contender at the Emmys. Also, there's a fanbase that would complain if Mr. Robot had been cancelled abruptly. If it gets a satisfying ending, more people are likely to watch another serialized drama on the same network than if they feared it wouldn't also get a proper ending, given what happened to Mr. Robot.

    Ultimately, don't forget that George Lucas, at the time of The Empire Strikes Back, had talked about four more movies about Luke Skywalker until he would defeat the Emperor. He didn't change his plans because Harrison Ford or Mark Hamill wanted to get out (Ford definitely did), because Carrie Fisher was a mess due to cocaine, or because the box office wasn't great enough, but because he didn't actually have enough material to develop to make four compelling movies, and because he hated spending time on set and directing actors. So, plans do change over time.

  22. @angela

    wait wait wait, angela from mr this you?????

  23. @notthisagain

    No, I'm supposed to be the pedophile apologist here. I had a few beefs with other people as I believe that more and more blind items are complete bullshit posted with an agenda or that a few commenters who claim to be "independents" or "longtime democrats" are actually rightwing nut-jobs.

  24. OMG,. I can't believe there are people who are obsessed with this shit !


  25. Angela, I'm surprised you didn't call out the #MAGABOMBER?

  26. He's going to be just fine as a movie actor.

  27. @Boo It's great that you want to believe in people, but I have a friend who is going opening night and specifically said she didn't care when I explained that BS is a pedo.

  28. Cee Kay: I hate to admit this, but I have no idea who Brian Singer is! Remember I am in my 70's.

    If I may, a truly moving film is coming out tomorrow that I will be first in line to see: A Private War. It is the story of war photographer Marie Colvin's life and final days. Rosamund Pike plays Marie. From her birthplace in Astoria, Queens to being one of the most respected photographers in the world. She is famous for her beauty, talent and eye patch! I highly recommend this film to all the women on CDAN who want to learn about what real courage is. The men will be impressed as well. She was my she-ro. She led the life I wanted to live. I was a photographer, yes. The only 'action' I ever saw was being chased by the Ghost Shadows in Chinatown! And yes, I slipped away into the Canal Street subway station! Pls. go see it.

  29. I disagree with enty yes thé film getting négative reviews BUT Rami Malek perfornance praised by the critics. He might get an Oscar nomination. Movie and huge debut in UK last week.

  30. One thing is that Queen fans are very protective of their band and will go see anything related to it en masse, whatever the critics or the media say. There are few bands that inspire such levels of commitment, and sometimes stupidity.

    Also, there's a piece in The Hollywood Reporter about Singer's antics on the set of Bohemian Rhapsody with a mention about Malek, that's not at all what we're supposed to think about him here.

    "Tensions escalated into an on-set altercation between Singer and his star (by all accounts, one of the nicest actors in the business). With reports of a piece of electrical equipment thrown by Singer (though not at anyone), a complaint — apparently from Malek — prompted Fox to dispatch several execs to London."

    By the way, the blind item about Singer doing the editing of the film is, for once, true. But, once again, Enty totally misses the picture. Fox had no choice about letting him do this. This is part of the DGA rules that anybody can check online. If a director has shot at least 90% of the footage without going over budget, he has full authority over editing.

    "If you direct at least 90% of scheduled principal photography, you are entitled to all post-production creative rights, unless you were primarily responsible for the motion picture going over budget or your replacement directs more than 10% of all principal photography, no part of which was shot to defeat your rights."

    If I were working in the entertainment industry, Enty would be the last guy I would hire as an attorney (besides the tattletale or the obvious misinformation), as he doesn't even know such an elementary thing. By the way, it was the reason for which the original directors on Solo were fired. They were approaching the 90% mark and Lucasfilm had just a small window to fire them and put somebody else in charge before they were allowed to put together their own cut of the film.

  31. I'll see it on Netflix. But I'm not all that interested. Can't be any worse than that awful Def Leppard movie. Although that was made for TV. Can't wait for the Motley Crew trainwreck on Netflix though! I am hoping it's so bad it's good. ^__^

  32. *Crue. The hell? How did I screw up Motley Crue? o.O

  33. Fake, he didn't quit, the show was coming to an end anyway.

  34. It’s looking like a $45-50M opening which is going to crush even the most optimistic projections.

    Good call, Enty. Oh and Malek was fucking brilliant in the role as well. D’oh’

  35. Angela, please link me to the blind that talks about Singer supervising the edit.



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