Thursday, November 01, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #2

October 25, 2018

This A list singer was averaging nearly 300 texts a day from her now ex boyfriend after they split. So, she got a new phone number.

Ariana Grande/Pete Davidson (pretty funny that two days after this his PR team said he got a new phone.)


  1. Anonymous9:01 AM

    all i want is one date with pete davidson. i dont ask for much. someone hook me up. lol

    1. What is it you see in him?
      Genuinely interested.

    2. He has a lot of energy, funny and probably talks excessively. It would get old after a while.

  2. Maybe he just wanted his soul back after she'd consumed it.

  3. And wasnt there a story last week that HE blocked HER?

  4. He got new number to avoid the inevitable karma payback of an Ariana nude pic sent to him from her next boyfriend

  5. Anonymous9:52 AM

    He's hilarious. He seems like a pretty normal person considering all the shit he's been through. (aside from the stuff you read here which I dont think half of it is true) and hes tall.

  6. Anonymous9:58 AM

    big dick energy I can deal with. lol

    1. You could go to therapy together, because if you are willing to deal will all that for some dick...bitch you're thirsty and have some issues lmao!

  7. Haha..thanks for the reasons.
    I don't watch SNL so only see his pics in the press.
    Big dick energy...I knew this size doesn't matter thing was bullshit.

  8. Anonymous11:08 AM

    300 text a day... that is one text every five minutes.. Sounds highly exaggerated

    1. Nah, one sentence can be text split into 3+ texts. An emoji alone can be a text. He's sending one-word texts.

  9. Just block the fool and any number u do not know. I thought 22 messages were a lot but 300 is Typical maniac episode. Draining.

  10. Anonymous11:35 AM

    i dont think you understand the meaning of big dick energy lol it has nothing to do with an actual dick.

  11. Maybe everyone here is on the right track & he's repeatedly sending just one word to Ariana: "BDE *eggplant emoji*"

    over and over again to try to summon her back.

  12. Anonymous12:04 PM

    I dunno, I don't really see him as the type to obsessively send her a bunch of texts. He's spoke about their break up a few times and he seems saddened that it ended but not obsessive. There was something on Dlisted not long ago that made me think he wasn't as crazy as everyone thinks he is. That and watching SNL, I kind of get a very different vibe from him. I think he says a lot of shit to get a reaction and a laugh out of folks.

  13. Can someone explain "Big Dick Energy" because I have no idea what it refers to!

  14. Anonymous12:35 PM

    attitude and personality, like when a guy has a big dick and knows it and is super confident. its not exclusive to big dicks though, its all about confidence.

    welcome to my ted talk.

  15. Anonymous12:35 PM

    it was actually first used to describe anthony bourdain.

  16. And it is pretty funny that a day before the blind Radar online already said that he got blocked and all;

  17. @kfitz - Holy shit, are you serious?! I think you just solved one of the biggest mysteries of my life. I didn't even know this was a thing, but yes, I'm super confident and charismatic. I'm a professional entertainer and fairly successful so yes, I assume the confidence and my personality somewhat contributes to my success in my field.

    You'd be amazed how many women I've been with have actually said, "Wow...I thought you'd have a huge dick" (Yes, women are that rude with startling regularity) when we've spent the night together.

    It happens so often that I just assumed it was the cut of my pants making my bulge look big! hahaha I'm that stupid. I just thought it was either the way my dick sits in my pants or how the cut is of all the pants I wear that it was overemphasizing my bulge. In fact it's become a running joke with either people I work with or assistants because I've so often asked, especially before performing, "do these pants make my dick look big?" because I'm so obsessed with finding out that why, for years, women seem to think I'm hung like a horse. In a million years I would have never assumed it was a personality thing.

    Lol I'm not kidding, this is a huge revelation to me. I'm sitting here floored at all this. I look forward to continuing to disappoint women though!

  18. Anonymous1:54 PM

    This has been a wonderful conversation about dicks. thank you for participating.

  19. Anonymous1:56 PM

    also, women are assholes and dont deserve big dicks if they talk like that.

  20. When I woke up this morning, on this beautiful day in NY, I mainly just wondered how my commute would be. Little did I know I would witness an in depth discussion on Big Dick Energy & read almost 4 paragraphs from a stranger discussing how they are not as well endowed as people assume them to be.

    hahahaha I love the internet some days :)

  21. Anonymous2:05 PM

    It made my day tbh @ophelia but now im way more curious than I should be.

  22. I thoroughly enjoyed this particular comment thread.

    Also, I have known too many guys who have BDE but end up having a smaller dick than I was expecting. There are few things more disappointing than that, haha.

    Also, @kfitz I'm surprised to see somebody besides myself who actually digs Pete Davidson. I think he's funny too, cute in his own weird isn't he supposed to have a big dick according to AG??

  23. Anonymous6:02 AM

    Accorinding the Ari, yes. She threw shade at him recently too.

  24. @kfitz - Thanks for the vote of confidence. ;)

    @Ophelia - happy to entertain you!

    @A. - Well, at least if we ever meet you already know to be disappointed in advance lol
