Friday, November 30, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #2 - Anniversary Month

October 13, 2017

She can spin all she likes, but this former singer turned reality star turned host/singer turned sometime singer celebrity from a celebrity family had a drug overdose. So, don't believe what she is spinning.

Tamar Braxton


  1. Really I can only keep track of Toni Braxton.

  2. Is this about the time she was on Dancing With the Stars and wound up in the hospital or did that happen before this incident?

  3. What did she OD on?

  4. I think that she started as an overindulged spoiled brat. But it has turned into some serious mental issues or something....drugs yes but something else. That girl needs some help.

  5. Tamar needs more than drug counseling... She desperately needs a personality and big mouth talking smack rehab.

  6. Tamar was in Snopp Dog's musical and didn't come back for the 2nd act. She threw a fit bc they wouldn't let a friend of hers backstage with "food".

  7. @Sandybrook I'm guessing it might be from when she was on DWTS because the blind was from Oct 2017

  8. Ok just looked up when Tamar was on DWTS and it was in 2015. So I don't know if this is in reference with that time or if something happened after that.
